cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year. It must be January 1st where you are by now.   I noticed the date on my last posting said Dec 31st, yet it was Jan 1st here and I thought it would be nice to have a Jan 1st posting to get the year started well.

Something I found while listing on Bidstart today ( I have 214 lots now listed - hope you will enjoy looking at seller ID michaelatcddstamps

Anyway, this was mailed nearly 44 years ago and amazingly it is still very clean. Poorly opened but that is all that is wrong with it.

But keeping with my New Years resolution to have competitions and make things interesting  why has the sender written "colour change" on this cover?

Email me at with your address and I will pick an entry at random next Friday and send you the cover.

Best wishes .... Michael

Happy New Year to you all. thanks for reading. I will try to get some interesting news, some interesting stamps and of course some challenging and interesting competitions for you this year.

One issue I am looking forward to is the Royal Mail Doctor Who issue in a few months. I haven't seen the issue date yet but I would think it will be a very popular issue My favourite Doctor is above althought it is hard to chose really. Not a cheap issue as there will be 11 stamps, one showing each Doctor, from over the 50 years the show has been running.

And of course please don't forget to have a look at my Bidstart Store at seller id michaelatcddstamps. I will have over 200 items listed soon and there are some great buys there. And just so you know most if not all of the funds generated go toward paying for my competition sendings and free stamps. Got to fund that somehow haven't I :-)

Best wishes for 2013......  Michael   (web site updated today as well)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hello again,   sorry but I just have to tell you that my eBay lots are starting to close in 24 hours..  no bids so far so you should be able to get some really good deals. Do have a look at me at seller  michaelatcddstamps.   If nothing else so I can get over 400 feedbacks :-)

And what about the stamp above. Lovely.  I found a few sheets of Hagners with these and earlier similar design issues which I am listing in my Bidstart Store.

I now have over 100 lots in my Bidstart Store. (  Many GB  Mint unhinged in Post Office fresh condition at 50% or less of face value so a real deal.   Useful for your collection or if you are in the UK for postage. All  are 1983 / 1984 issues.. Will load more of other years  over the weekend I expect.

The Castle issues (above example is SG 1996 Enschede printing with a catalogue value of  £10) are being listed now in my Store andpriced to sell at 25% of catalogue or less, and fine to very fine used.
My Bidstart store is at michaelatstamps.   type michaelatcddstamps in "search by seller" field or click  here
Lots of bargains to be had from many countries  all priced to sell, no bidding hassle.

Best wishes.. Michael

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hello,   Hop you like this.. I picked up my PO Box mail today.  Thank you special friend :-)  Franked  12 12 12   anyone else have a nice franking for this memorable date?

And FYI, I now have 100 lots in my Bidstart Store. (  Many GB  Mint unhinged in Post Office Fresh condition at 50% or less face. value so a real deal..   useful for collection or if you are in the UK for postage. All  are 1983 / 1984 issues.. Will load more of other years  over the weekend I expect.

My Bidstart store is at michaelatstamps.   type michaelatcddstamps in "search by seller" field or click  here
Lots of bargains to be had from many countries  all priced to sell, no bidding hassle.

Best wishes .........  Michael


Hi, I found duplicates of Great Britain  1980s stamps today, still in the Royal Mail envelopes delivered to me. Am selling on Bidstart at 50% face. No use to me here in Australia, so maybe useful as postage or as fillers for your collection if you collect GB

This set was issued in February 1982 to commemorate the death centenary of Charles Darwin. Lovely issue I think.

 Have a look at my Bidstart store at michaelatstamps.   type michaelatcddstamps in "search by seller field or click  here
Lots of bargains to be had.   Best wishes .........  Michael

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hello everyone,  Here is hoping you are all having a wonderful Christmas season.   Any special philatelic presents???  This is mine.  How lucky am I. :-)

And of course  in between entertaining family and friends I am making time to enjoy my stamps, and look up some I couldn't research before I had this wonderful set of catalogues.

I have also been adding material to my Bidstart store  I do hope you have time to browse my listings. 80 now and more to come over the following days I expect. A wide selection of countries and at prices ranging from 5% to 25% of catalogue value. You will find me at michaelatcddstamps. or go there directly from Here

Best wishes.........   Michael

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas to all my readers.  sorry not been writing over past week. No time. But keep looking you never know what surprises I will have in store for you. This lovely (dergghh) stamp from UK arrived on a Christmas card.  Nice to get a real card, but lucky I don't collect used GB anymore as once again it was not franked. Australia post slipping up, they usually scrawl a black marker across the stamps. Well it is Christmas after all :-)

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, and if you are in south west  UK I hope you are not badly affected by the terrible weather.

Merry Christmas...    Michael

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hello, I was reading the Christmas Collection brochure from Royal Mail today.  Some interesting issues for the thematic collector coming in 2013. Not sure anyone can afford to collect all GB new issues these days with the prices I see. But for trains on stamps there are two issues worth looking at. Starting in January with the London Underground issue.    Very colourful if you like that sort of design.  Then in March there is the second in their Locomotive series. This issue features classic locomotives from Scotland. And a very attractive presentation on the stamps I think. Maybe just nostalgia on my part :-) For more details  have a look at the Royal Mail website at Scotland Locomotives

Enjoy your stamps..  Michael

Hello,   well is this the best or what!!!!!!!     12.12.12     nice to see it I hope you agree and something to treasure :-)

I have not received the mail yet but hope the franking is as nice as this for the registered mail receipt. No one  has sent me any frankings so I am assuming my readers forgot or don't have any.

As for stamps.  No time this past week but I did receive this in the mail.

used for postage and intact in booklet. How nice :-)  It will be listed in my Bidstart store when I get around to it.  Rather special I think. I doubt the send is reading my blog but if you are  Thanks :-)

have a great weekend..  enjoy your stamps..   Michael

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hello,  sorry  been out of town and laptop played up on me so no writing. But back for a few days.   Came home to find three envelopes mailed to me. Intention was to get the 12.12.12 franking, but hey this is Australia and Australia Post.  They just cannot please me can they. :-)  But then when have I ever said anything  nice about the Sydney operations. Doubt I ever will at this rate.

Then again I mailed a letter to myself from Brisbane (where I have been for past 4 days) and did mange to get this one. Well done Australia Post Queensland.

Anyone mange to get a 12.12.12 postal franking I wonder.   Have a great weekend... Michael

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello,  yes been away a few days. (not by stage coach but by A380. Qantas were really good I might add :-)  Sorry if you missed me :-)  Read this article   Thought it would be interesting to share

AUSTRALIA Post is giving away 100 stamps to each of its full-time employees this Christmas, in a clear sign that the value of a stamp ain't what it used to be.

Read more:

And if you want Australia stamps do have a look at my Bidstart lots.  A few nice lots there . Check out my store at michaelatcddstamps

Best wishes.. Michael

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Hello, Hope you like this, especially if you collect Hong Kong.  I would guess something like this is very hard to find, :-)  really Very Fine used.

It is in my Bidstart store..

So visit my Store and have a browse.  If you are in Bidstart you will find the store under michaelatcddstamps. or go there directly from Here 

Just an FYI. I am overseas for a few days, then out of town again the following week so please be patient if you buy. I will mail as fast as I can.


Sunday, December 02, 2012

Hello,   December is here and with Christmas a few weeks off I have decided to start a new project, one which you might find use from. I have started a Bidstart Store and managed to list a few items. Some collections of stamps, some individual stamps, some covers, used stamps, mint stamps. a variety from a range of countries, and I will be listing more over the coming few days.

Prices are Buy Now and I think very reasonable given the quality I think you will agree is there.

So visit my Store and have a browse.  If you are in Bidstart you will find the store under michaelatcddstamps. or go there directly from Here

The lovely Hong Kong MS above is listed for a buy now price of  US $1.49 plus shipping.

Enjoy looking if nothing else :-)

Best wishes  ........  Michael

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Click to zoom in on my visitor map!