cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Collectors Buying With Confidence – returns not accepted??


Part XV


Collectors Buying With Confidence –       no returns accepted??   


Hello, so here I am doing some research, having a pleasant time looking at listings, laughing at some of the sellers ideas of a decent stamp and impressed with others for the quality of their scans and descriptions -  make a note of them as sellers worth looking to buy from if they have what I am looking  for.  Often, when I know what I want I will first go to those sellers and search their store.    Why waste time searching all the listing when so many sellers are just, well you decide what word I should use.


So I see this nice stamp.   Ok, I read the details and there it is,  “Returns not accepted”. Well, I don’t know about you, but that just turned me off right away.  


Am I wrong?  Would you buy from a seller that says, Returns not accepted?   In the past two weeks I have had two orders out of 10 that were nowhere near as described and I sent the stamps back and got a refund.  Ok so I learnt my lesson not to buy from these sellers again. And ok, sometimes people make mistakes.  But to bluntly say, and it was not hidden in the details I might add, Returns not accepted,  is that a sign of a quality seller?


Well, am I wrong?


Michael …. Please visit my online store    where I think you will see quality and appropriately described stamps.  



At 8:07 PM, Blogger KevanB said...

If you buy off of ebay, the seller can say "no returns accepted", but ebay rules take precedence. If the item you get is not what it says it is, or if it is damaged, the seller must take the item back of make amends in some way agreeable with the buyer. If you use Paypal as the means of payment, they guarantee the item for up to six months. You'll get your money back regardless of what the seller states. In most cased, I buy internationally. If the item is NOt what it is suppose to be or description, usually the seller simply forgives the cost. Most items like stamps are not worth sending back due to postage costs.


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