cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Earthquake special....

Hello, been a while, sorry been rather busy somehow. Hope this finds everyone well. I will be in Sydney in 8 days for a couple of weeks, this to say any order from cddstamps on Hipstamp for Australia or New Zealand customers will be mailed from the airport on arrival. faster delivery for you for sure and......

we just listed a few more Australia we found while sorting through some boxes. had forgot all about them something there might interest you. and finally. .........

we are having to close the office -- and doing it while while I am away -- to get earthquake repairs done. timely really but had to be done, walls are a mess and builders / repair people are booked. bloody bad earthquake this last one.. lots of shaking gone on as they say. and we are offering a 10% discount on stamp orders ( ie excludes postage) of $10 or more. just a little incentive.. perhaps a chance to treat yourself to an early Christmas present. Thanks Hope to see you in the Store before we leave for Sydney on 18th


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