cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, July 12, 2019

Hello, well the weekend is here for me. The second one back home before I travel again. Next week I am going to Sydney. The relevance to you is I will be mailing all orders received over the next 5 days from Sydney. For Australian customers that means very fast deliveries. For customers in other countries it means faster delivery, at least based on past experiences. you will find out shop here copy this link to your browser ...

Now the important news for our Great Britain collectors. We have just loaded some 300 plus used modern GB commemoratives covering 2016 and 2018. Quite difficult to get reasonably clean postally used commemoratives as many of you will know. We have some with only one copy and others where there is a selection of postal cancels to chose from. If you do not find what you need to fill some gaps in your collection someone probably got in before you. Sorry. We will be loading more to the store over the weekend so perhaps check back.

While I am away the shop will stay open and orders will be processed and mailed with 48 hours of receipt. A bit slower than our usual 24 hours and my apology for that.

For those of you who collect the Rhodesias and North Borneo we still have plenty of good material for all that we listed back in April. Do have a look I think you will be pleased with what you see.

Finally, I hope this finds everyone well and looking forward to a wonderful weekend, with some time for philately of course.

Have a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you in our store very soon.


Monday, July 08, 2019

Hello everyone, so sorry for not writing for weeks and weeks. I was in the UK for 5 weeks and just no time. And I really do not have much to write about as most of my time since I got back has been catching up with emails, packing orders from the online cddstamps shop and trying to organise myself now I am back home.

I did pick up lots of new GB stock when in the UK and if you collect GB I think you will be very pleased with what we will be listing over the coming two months. It will take that time just because it does and because I also have a trip to Australia in 10 days. Might get some new / recent Australia material as well for the store. All just to freshen up the stock we offer.

Have you been following the GB new issues. I cannot keep up with them. Far too many and far too frequent and far to expensive. Keep to the basics I think is best and forget the booklets and presentation packs and miniature sheets. Much of what we will be listing in the shop in coming weeks and months will be 2016 through 2019 commemoratives. Quite hard to find such material used. And that is what we like to offer. Anyone can collect mint by just buying from the online stores. No fun in that eh!!!!! better the have postally used in one's collection? Well we all collect something different I expect. As long as we enjoy it that is all that matters.

Hope to see you in the store here cddstamps or here if you need to copy the URL into your browser

Hope you like the two stamps shown - another way for Royal Mail to make money from the collector - yes se-tenant issues are now the rage in the UK it seems. Just wait to you see the new Sports issue on July 9th

Enjoy your stamps .. Michael

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