cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Hello,  the other day I showed a Philippine stamp. Sorting through some more today and I saw this which I thought I would share. The normal stamp is quite common, the overprint is this good condition not so I think.   It shows Antonio Regidor, who was a very accomplished and interesting figure in Philippine life back in the mid to late 1800s. Worth reading about if you have the time.

This along with many more 1950 though 1970s Philippine stamps are now  available in the online store.  If only to  see some interesting history, do have a look.  As for the quality, some of the best I have seen for this period in a long time. Usually rather tattered with usage. 

And as you might expect from cddstamps we also show the  reverse of the stamp (as often as we can)  so you know exactly what you might adding to your collection.

Enjoy your philately,   we didn't get to over 57.000 positive feedbacks just by being good looking!!!!!!!!  😀

see you soon .... Michael

Monday, February 20, 2023

Hello, I just published tonight aircraft on stamps blog   (  and thought it was worth sharing because of  the amazing flying achievement back in 1925.  Today we think nothing of flying 14 hours,  maybe,   yet back then it surely must have been quite an achievement,

This stamp shows the pilot, a Spanish aviation, Ignacio Jimenez

Enjoy your stamps and all they have to help us learn.

Michael …. or visit my online store    where I have some interesting aviation related stamps and covers.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

 Hello again, a change of subject tonight as we just loaded a few 1955 / 56 Philippine stamps to the online store. if this is a period / country you collect please visit or just have a look at some lovely stamps - what about this with Cebu cancel. Look forward to seeing you in the store

have a lovely day Michael

Friday, February 17, 2023

Welcome to the weekend. We just added more stamps to the online store here and there is a great weekend special happening right now... we recently loaded Great Britain, Philippines, Bermuda, Barbados, and some really lovely stamps from Togo, and so much more from our nearly 34,000 listings to help you fill a few gaps in your collection.

We have 56,000 + positive feedbacks and Do NOT list the junk you will so often see AND we do NOT try to con you with exaggerated claims of condition and centering -  please don't be tricked by these con artists that you will see far too often, AND, we describe stamp condition fully and accurately, as often as we can with SG and Scott numbers and whenever possible with scans of the front AND the reverse of the stamp so you know what you are buying. I could go on but will just say visit us -  we love to see new collectors  -   Have a great weekend   --- Michael

PS Michael wrote the book "Caveat emptor and other advice for philatelists" .....get an ebook copy here or visit the website, for more details. Learn what to look out for and avoid when buying from online marketplaces.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

It is time for a Valentines gift...............

February – the month of Love, maybe…. How about the month of love of your stamps, and specifically how to fill a gap in your collection. Nothing worse than a gap is there? Please visit us to help. We're a collaboration between The Used Stamp Collector & CDDStamps.

Although we say so ourselves, perhaps a rather unique collaboration and one that is surely, to you, the collector a rewarding partnership that offers GB, British Commonwealth and Europe all from one US based store. Quality, fully described stamps, well packed stamps shipped promptly and at affordable prices.
And now a February Valentine Day special. Every stamp value order of $25 or more will get a 25% Valentines gift discount which is applied at purchase. Only find $10 of stamp value? No problem, then we will give a 10% discount

Is that a philatelic offer of Love to your collection? We hope so and we hope to see you soon? Visit us at The Used Stamp Collector! We look forward to seeing you! George & Michael

We are both Internet Philatelic Dealers Association members and with over 59,000 positive seller feedbacks between us.... that has to tell you something.......................

Sunday, February 05, 2023

 Hello,  well the weeks did pass quickly!!  back with this interesting stamp and story.  First though how  good is the hobby of stamp collecting?    Very good when you meet people and share stamps with them, as this is one from one of our customers.  Thank you very much. A lovely surprise to get this in the mail.

This Che Guevara stamp was issued  in 2017 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his death: SG 2486.

When the stamp was issued there were questions in the Irish House of Parliament and the stamp was withdrawn within days. The reason; some felt it inappropriate to honour a "revolutionary", and especially one with a controversial legacy and a strong Irish heritage.  All in all a fascinating story and if you want to know more I recommend this really well written and interesting piece.  

Thanks to my new stamp friend.  Very kind of you to send this to me and help me learn more. That is what  philately is all about.  Kindness and learning.

Michael  cddstamps 

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