cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, February 17, 2023

Welcome to the weekend. We just added more stamps to the online store here and there is a great weekend special happening right now... we recently loaded Great Britain, Philippines, Bermuda, Barbados, and some really lovely stamps from Togo, and so much more from our nearly 34,000 listings to help you fill a few gaps in your collection.

We have 56,000 + positive feedbacks and Do NOT list the junk you will so often see AND we do NOT try to con you with exaggerated claims of condition and centering -  please don't be tricked by these con artists that you will see far too often, AND, we describe stamp condition fully and accurately, as often as we can with SG and Scott numbers and whenever possible with scans of the front AND the reverse of the stamp so you know what you are buying. I could go on but will just say visit us -  we love to see new collectors  -   Have a great weekend   --- Michael

PS Michael wrote the book "Caveat emptor and other advice for philatelists" .....get an ebook copy here or visit the website, for more details. Learn what to look out for and avoid when buying from online marketplaces.


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