cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, January 16, 2023

Real or not so real.......

Hello, something I think is important for collectors to know - there are sellers out there on the internet who have no integrity - in my view -   and will do anything to attract  collectors to buy from them.    By chance I came across this stamp.

Anyone with an ounce of knowledge will know this stamp was never issued in the colour or shade of brightness as shown.  Yes the seller has  "enhanced" the image.  Trickery,  a con artist?  you name it as you will.    If it looks to good to be true then it probably is not true.

This is my mint never hinged copy. Lovely stamp.   The colour is true as you would see it in person.

Oh and did I mention the seller said..... quote....Picture for reference only    end quote ......   Now would you buy from that that? I certainly hope no 

 Take care and be kind to real stamp dealers

Michael …. Please visit my online store    where I have some interesting aviation related covers and stamps.    and   if you can look for dealers that IPDA Members; accredited Internet Philatelic Dealers Association Members.


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