Hello everyone, Hope this finds you well. I have had a pretty good stamp day. How about you
First, I managed to pack and mail out stamps to quite a few winners of my quizzes, Second, I went to the PO Box and found lots of mail from you and Third, I managed to sort some stamps.
In the mail I was really pleased to find stamps that many of you have donated to my Childrens Corner. Some excellent world selections and a lovely selection from Russia. Many thanks to you. When these get sent I am sure there will be some very happy children around the world.
I also received some Canada Souvenir cards - which I will be using as tonights prize. 5 prizes actually, as I was sent 5 of these - all different but similar. Many many thanks to you know who you are that sent them. I really appreciate your kindness.
Ok, so this is the souvenir card -

the stamps are mint but gummed onto the card - the other 4 cards are similar for 1965, 1966. I guess that is what they did in Canada 30 years ago!!!!! eh!!!
How to win one of the 5 cards - There are 12 Provinces and Territories in Canada - well there were in 1967 eh!!! send me an email to
cddstamps@gmail.com with the names of the 12. easy eh!!!..
Any Canadian who enters and gets it wrong will be publicly named ha ha ha ha...
Oh and PLEASE put your address in your email.. I know I ask this but some of you dont do it.
Entries get printed and selected from a box by one of the children usually and if the address is not there I have to either write to you or search through my files if I have had an email from you in the past. Please make my life easy .. Thanks..
What else about stamps. Well I read a short peice in a Sydney newspaper the other day that had me thinking. It was about the tennis player Maria Sharapova - considered one of the world's most glamourous sportswomen, so the paper said. Now I wouldn't know her if she walked by me and since she is only 19 I guess that says that I need to get a life !!!
Anyway, the article was about how she has made it known she collects stamps and fears being labelled an "absolute geek" for revealing her secret hobby. She has been reported as saying her email box is full of correspondence from fellow philatestists (she should be so lucky I say , although I cannot complain) .
She said "everyone's calling me a dork now". ..............I can understand people calling her a "dork" .. but calling her a "dork now" is something I dont understand ...maybe something got lost in the translation. ha ha ha ha ...............
There was more but it was equally innane and boring. So my question to you.. do people call you a dork, or a dork now , and do you feel like a geek for collecting stamps , for being a philatilist
I dont think you do and I know I dont. I am proud of being a stamp collector and of this wonderful hobby: the fun it gives me, the education I receive from it and the relaxation and peace of mind it brings to my life. How do you feel. Write to me.
I just wish this young lady's agent had the maturity to help her better express herself. After all, she said it was fun to collect stamps and so it is. Lets enjoy the hobby and help others see it in a more intelligent light.
Please tell your friends about stamp collecting and how good it is for you. Tell them about my blog and the links I have to other really good stamp blogs and the interest and enjoyment they will receive from even just reading our material.
Have a great weekend.. Look forward to hearing from you.. Enjoy your stamps...
Best wishes.............. Michael