no hope of getting this right !!!!

Hello, Yes I have been rather busy.. and yes, no time to think of stamps.. well maybe I talk about them during the day... given half a chance ...
so what about this cover.. nice?? useful for your collection....
tonight I will really test your general knowledge.. nothing to do with whales, nothing to do with stamps.. I have not had the time to think about stamps, or whales .....but there is something that happened today some few years back.. a person died.. well he was a 100 so he had a good innings as they say.. ...he said once... " I was out in the garden all day yesterday.. I ironed the lawn... smoothed out the grass... put every blade in it's place... and I still missed the putt anyway."
Who was he... and do you have any stamps with him on ...send me a scan if you can.. Will show the stamps if you send me the scans.
First reply with his name gets the cover and I will send it straight away if you include your email address, to
As for other recent competitions and prizes.. I am so far behind with my email I have to apologise to you all..
Many thanks for your emails.. please write as I do enjoy reading your ideas and seeing the stamps you send... or just write to say hello and tell a friend.. we are trying for 20,000 page views this month ok
Best wishes.. Michael
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