Hello, Yes, a competition. I feel that it is time to have one. Having said that I am aware that everything has to be politically correct these days – doesn’t matter where you turn someone is saying something that offends someone somewhere. So I hope this does not. It is intended as fun and perhaps educational as well. And to highlight the ridiculous issuing policies of some stamp issuing authorities; just to collect the stamp collectors money is the policy I guess you could say.
The theme is ”ridiculous stamps issues”. You have to send me one (or more if you are adventurous) stamp issues you think are just over the top, so to speak. That shouldn’t offend anyone – perhaps some postal authorities but I doubt they read my blog anyway :-) And if they do then perhaps they will get the message that they are issuing too many irrelevant issues, which ultimately we are not buying because the cost is becoming just too much. A topic we all talk about it would seem from my readings.
To start you off I will list two of my recent favourites. I have made a point of excluding Royal Mail Great Britain and Australia – that was just too easy :-).
First is the Isle of Man – I used to collect these but gave up when I realized what I was spending. The issue on 1st July 2009 was to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Bee Gees. You don’t believe me right. You think I am making this up. Sadly, I am not. Have a look at
Bee Gees if you don’t believe me. And sadly the stamps are really awful in my view. You could buy one of my limited print A380 flown First Flight covers for less than what you would pay for the set and sheets and presentation pack. 8 stamps in the issue as well. This surely qualifies for a ridiculous stamp issue.
Second, Tristan de Cunha. I have never been there but I imagine it to be a paradise. Why they need to issue the stamps they do is beyond me, other than I realise it is to collect the stamps collectors dollars!! The 20 July 2009 issue has to be proof of this. A Space exploration issue. I don’t think T d C have done much in the way of space exploration :-) 5 stamps in the issue and actually quite nice stamps in my view. Have a look at
Tristan de Cunha I show a FDC as best I can get a scan.

But really, does this not prove the point – a revenue raising issue.
Now it shouldn’t be hard to show others and I look forward to hearing from you. Please send scans of stamps or a reference to the stamps to
cddstamps@gmail.com I will publish the best over the coming days / week. I’ll judge the best example by say middle of next week my time – winner will receive a selection of some 250 plus stamps.. used, no damaged, nice condition etc plus a few covers as I clear out some boxes I am going through at the moment. Maybe a runner up or two as well. I look forward to hearing from you.
Enjoy your stamps …………….... Michael