cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, October 04, 2009

2010 GB new issues

I thought I might show you the listing of the stamps to be issued by Royal Mail in 2010. You may have seen this elsewhere but in case you haven’t I hope this is informative. It will at least give you some idea of how much you need to save if you collect GB. Of course I cannot predict how many additional issues there will be, or how many extra minisheets, presentation packs or what else Royal Mail will dream up to get the collector dollars.

7 January - British Design Classics II
2 February – Girl Guide Centenary
25 February - The Royal Society 350th Anniversary
1 March - Castles of Wales generic Smilers Sheet
11 March - Battersea Dogs and Cats Home (150th Anniversary)
23 March - Kings & Queens: House of Stewart
13 April - Endangered Mammals
6 May - Accession of King George V (London 2010 Exhibition issue)
8 May - The King's Stamps (1st day of London Festival of Stamps)
13 May - Britain Alone
15 June - Children's Books July - Olympics & Paralympics II
19 August - Stage Musicals
16 September - Great British Railways
12 October - Kings & Queens: House of Stuart
2 November - Christmas

I'll try to remember this posting and see what changes and additions there are as the year unfolds. :-)


At 4:05 AM, Blogger Ian - Norvic said...

Some of these are sets, some are miniature sheets, some have prestige stamp books, some will have generic Smiers Sheets. There will also be retail booklets advertising London 2010 (March) and the Olympics (January & February).

I should have added that there will be the compulsory Machin definitives for the new postage rates, together with the higher 2 values of the country stamps for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland - so about 11 there, maybe 12. And possibly pictorial Faststamps for London 2010.

At 2:18 AM, Blogger cddstamps said...

Thanks Ian.. good to get that further news.. just so many stamps.. I really admire you for keeping up with it all

best wishes.. Michael


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