cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hello,  How is everyone?   Very very hot here in Sydney and pretty uncomfortable. even with air con pumping away like mad. :-)

still time for stamps, well no way am I going outside today. So a bit a reading if you are interested and have the time. and another stamp at the end for you to write to me about :-)

First, I thought Ihad  published the material I got about the Cochin stamp but checking the blog I realise I did not   Must have had a glitch there because I am sure I prepared the article. Well done to Ramana from Hyderabad for this interesting information. Mailed something to you today.

H. H. Sir Sri Rama Varma III, Maharaja of Cochin, 1932-1941
Rama Varma III was also known as Chowarayil Theepeta Thampuran. In 1938 Perkins, Bacon & Co. discontinued the contract with the state of Cochin, and an Indian firm began printing the stamps by lithographic process. Thus, two very different printings are found during the reign of Rama Varma III—those beautifully recess printed by Perkins, Bacon & Co., and those of the less-attractive offset printed variety. It's important to learn to distinguish between these printings. The recess printed stamps are brighter, and the design appears slightly raised (looking at the back of the stamp, one can usually see an embossed image of the design). The litho, or offset, stamps are entirely flat, and the general appearance is dull in comparison. All Cochin stamps after 1938 were offset printed.
From 1933 to 1938, 11 values (2p, 4p, 6p, 1a, 1a8p, 2a, 2¼a, 3a, 3a4p, 6a8p, 10a) were recess printed by Perkins, Bacon & Co. The entire set is quite attainable in both used and unused condition. In 1938, five values (2p, 4p, 6p, 1a, 2¼a) were offset printed by The Associated Printers in Madras. The 1a brown-orange [Sc 57A/SG 70] is scarce, and the rest of the set is inexpensive in both mint and used condition.
In 1939, 1a stamps were overprinted "ANCHAL" for postal purposes (those not overprinted were used for revenue purposes). Here an understanding of the two printing types is useful. The recess printed 1a overprinted "ANCHAL" is quite common in used and mint condition, but the litho printed variety [Sc 59/SG 73] is rare in mint state. However, a slightly different "ANCHAL" was also printed on the litho, and it is very common in both used and unused condition. From 1942 to 1944, both recess and offset printed stamps were surcharged. It is difficult to obtain a complete set of the surcharged overprints, as many of them are scarce to rare.
The official overprints of Rama Varma III are complex and beyond the scope of this introductory article. The combinations of overprint types, underlying print types, surcharges, and perforations is enough to keep the advanced collector busy for many years.

and a bit of catalogue details from Jeroen from the Netherlands.   
A Feudatory State in the Madras States Agency in Southern India.
Stamp info
1933/38, Sri Rama Varma III, perforation 13*13½
The 6 p is scott number 43
There are also overprints and surcharges 

excellent and thanks to everyone who wrote to me.

Now for a new stamp for you to research, I have trouble with this one and other readers may have more knowledge than I do. Interesting overprint???? and it is pretty old..1919 franking perhaps?

I will find a little gift again for someone with an informative answer.

Have a great weekend..  Michael   
PS I updated the website

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hello again, something different tonight.  First though I hope you enjoy seeing this stamp.   But where is it from, what is the year of issue and what is the catalogue value?  I am a bit stretched for time tonight so lets hear from you please.  :-) and any description of the stamp and why it was issued please let me know and I will republish for others to learn.  Just email me at, and include your address please. I will send a surprise gift to the best / most informative response I receive over next, lets say, 48 hours

Best wishes.. Michael

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hello again. As you know I am sorting though an old album -    most of the stamps are damaged, and even if not damaged are of no value, but every now and again I find something I like and I think worth showing. This for example. A lovely stamp from Senegal. Senegal is a country in West Africa. It owes its name to the Senegal River that borders it to the east and north. Senegal is externally bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Mauritania to the north, Mali to the east and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to the south

This stamp was one of a set of 30 issued in 1935 and shows the Faidherbe Bridge in St Louis.

Enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hello, Hope you enjoy seeing this stamp. I found it sorting through an old album a friend gave me.  Nothing of value but a few nice stamps to see. This one issued in 1949 and showing the village of Shinobuno and of course the very famous Mt Fuji. It caught my attention as it reminded me of the wonderful view I had of Mt Fuji when I flew into Japan a few months ago.

Hope you all having a great weekend    .........  Michael

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hello, something different tonight. This a Miniature Sheet I found in pages of old stock. I thought some of you might like to see it. I checked eBay, some 50 being offered..  so yes it is common it seems.  This copy MUH and in lovely clean fresh condition.  Part of my clear out. If you want it send me an email to    First email gets it. Just include your mailing address. No catches.. I usually delete emails after  and wont use your mail address for anything other  than to send you the MS.

If you want to send me something in exchange  that would be nice, especially if the stamp or stamps have aircraft on them.

Best wishes and have a great weekend


Friday, November 23, 2012

Hello,   Happy Thanksgiving to all my US readers and friends.  a couple of images for you. One, the 2001 stamp issued to commemorate the day ( have there been any since? I am not sure) and two another image which I understand one can buy.

For any readers not family with ths tradition I suggest a read of   quite interesting and I am sure there are many other sites to read.

This time last year I was in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving with family. Couldn't make it this year but maybe next as we certainly had a great time.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving day and dinner :-)


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hello,  another Christmas stamp. This as you can see is from Monaco. And yes just the one in this Christmas issue. A sensible stamp issuing policy perhaps?  Now I know statistics can be used to prove or disprove anything, but did you the know the population of Monaco (approx 30,000) is close to that of Gibraltar (approx 29,000)  Somehow Monaco justified issuing just one Christmas stamp, compared to the 5 for Gibraltar  Sensible stamp issuing policy surely????  :-)

Anyway this lovely stamp is based on a painting( see below) by Giotto di Bondone, better known simply as Giotto. He was an Italian painter and architect from Florence and is generally considered the first in a line of artists who contributed to the Italian Renaissance. This painting, completed around the year 1305, is from Giotto's masterwork 'The Arena Chapel Frescoes', which decorate the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua  (Northern Italy)

There is so much more to stamp collecting I think.  Hope you enjoy your stamps.   Michael  

PS  there are still a few bargains left on eBay at user id michaelatcddstamps, starting bid is 99c.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hello,    I showed some Christmas stamps recently. Today I received my copy of the Gibraltar Stamps Bulletin. Lovely issue as I have come to expect from these folk.    A good read and some lovely pictures. Not that I am a Gibraltar collector I might add. Why bother. Stamps issued for no reason other than to collect philatelic revenue,  although they have done nice aviation issues so I am addicted to them :-)

But what about these Christmas stamps.  Well, nice is my view. Certainly far better than that garbage Royal Mail issued :-)     beauty in the eye of the beholder I guess .What do you think I wonder?    and why a 10p stamp? surely that is not a postal rate?    Well actually it is .. local mail.     oh lucky people to have it so low. :-)   and why a £2 stamp.  seems over the top to me,  maybe lots of 2000 grm parcels expected to Spain and 4 of these will do the trick. hmmmmmmm :-)

Anyway.. nice stamps. Well done Gibraltar Post.   Hope you enjoy seeing them.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hello,   well another weekend shot past. Hope it was good for you.   I still have plenty of lots on eBay starting at 99c. Many sold for 99c.  Single viewershave . picked up some nice bargains.   Please do have a look at user id michaelatcddstamps.   The above, a MS I doubt you will find used as nice as this, if at all.    No bids and 99c opening bid. Just one example of some lovely material. And GB mint unhinged..    very useful lots.  Hope you enjoy looking

Thanks.. Michael

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hello, Hope everyone is well. I have been listing lots for sale. Clearing out so much stuff that is cluttering my shelves and boxes. Need the room. So a few specials will be on eBay. This one, a cover from Bermuda commemorating the 1976 Tall Ships Race, with original insert and no damage. Very clean. The stamps alone have a high catalogue value I believe.  Just search user id michaelatcddstamps. The cover above (double click on image to see full view then hit back arrow) is one I have listed this afternoon. Stunning considering it was issued 36 years ago. More over coming days. Hope you find something you like and that will make a useful addition to your collection.
Have a great weekend, and don’t forget :-) eBay user id michaelatcddstamps. Low opening bids so don’t miss out.

hello,   no stamps tonight,  just want to tell you about my eBay lots.... all start at 99c. US       bargains as so many seem to sell for just that.     A few bids would be nice and you will still get a bargain.

Just look for user id michaelatcddstamps  

Enjoy..    Michael

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hello, how are you all?  Well i hope. I showed some Christmas Island and Australia Christmas stamps last week. Today, while in my local Post Office I saw this.   Hope you like it. Interesting to say the least.

Here is an offer for you. For overseas bidders only  - Bid and win any of my eBay lots   have a look for them at user id michaelatcddstamps and I will use this MS for the postage and ask my friendly Post Master to hand frank it for you.   Just send me a note  when you pay that you saw my blog and this offer.  I combine lots so one only per person. Lots start at 99c US so I am basically opening the bidding to cover my costs, just!!!! if you win one lot at 99c.

I doubt you will find many used on cover  of these MS so it will be a nice collectible I think.

 Good luck, oh and there are many interesting lots to chose from.  Offer expires Friday this week, 16th November.


Friday, November 09, 2012

Hello,     I was  clearing an old album last night and came across this lovely stamp (apart from a short perf or two). Well that is my view.   Only the one, but thought,  it is from a place one really doesn't hear of these days.

So I found this on the internet.   makes you want to visit doesn't it .. Philatelic thoughts follow...

Zululand history, King Shaka, Ulundi, Eshowe and Richards Bay are some of the terms associated with the world-renowned region of KwaZulu-Natal's Zululand. 

The sheer majesty of Zululand will take your breath away. Under the hot African sun, the cobalt blue Indian Ocean, mangrove swamps and limpid lagoons give way to rolling green hills and indigenous forests which shimmer in the distance before they reach the Drakensberg Mountains.

While you are in Zululand, enjoy the welcoming wide smiles extended to you by the local people. Enjoy the comfortable accommodation in major towns, game lodges, to seashore cottages, Zulu homes or floating lake chalets.

Zululand teems with private and provincial game reserves which offer game-watching facilities as well as hiking and nature trails.

But it is probably 'the Zulu experience' which will linger in your mind long after you have left Zululand. Take an ox wagon to Zulu villages of bee-hive huts and experience traditional Zulu hospitality, or a rural wedding ceremony, and if you wish visit a sangoma (traditional healer). You cannot leave without a visit to Ulundi, the site of the final battle fought in the Anglo-Zulu war. Nearby Zulu kings lie buried in the Emakhosini Valley. In total contrast are the township tours showcasing modern Zulu life including taverns, shebeens and traditional medicine shops.

Further inland lie tea plantations, cattle ranches and pretty, historical towns such as Vryheid and Paulpietersburg where you can relax in the therapeutic sulphur springs.
Zululand, the heart and pulse of the Zulu Kingdom

Ok to the philatelic thoughts............    ok, easiest is to give you this link

Have a great weekend    ....Michael    and please have a look at my eBay lots at user id  michaelatcddstamps.  99c opening bid and so many win at that price.  Bargains for you and it is helping me clear so much from my study.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Hello, Thinking Christmas stamps, I will digress from Australia for a day and mention the USA. I saw a really good piece at  you may enjoy reading it as well.  This Christmas stamp was the first issued by the USPS in 1962 and 1 billion (wow!!!!) were printed.

 Enjoy your stamps... Michael

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Hello, welcome to November .     Christmas stamps starting to be issued around the world. here are two from Australia I picked up the other day.

 What do you think?   More tomorrow.   By all means send my scans of Christmas stamps from your country and I will share here for others to see

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!