my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !
Thanks for your thoughts on last nights stamps :-) How I wish they were the original issue.. but as many have said they were from the 1994 commemorative souvenier issue.. well I think they were hee hee ..
sorting some stamps again tonight...gotta get a life I hear you say.. well I will next week.. off to
hi... am back from Manila... don't really know what to say.. stamps wise.. big disappointment .. found stamps shops on the internet but when I got there they weren't stamps shops.. saw stamps for sale in markets and such places.. just rubbish packaged at silly prices...albeit very cheap but still silly prices should have been free.. :-)
I don't have any stamps to show for this but thought I'd mention this. Very non political mention as I hope you understand.. just telling something that happened.. many years ago.. send me a scan of some stamps about this and I'll show to everyone else tomorrow.. if I show your stamps I'll send you a world mix if that would please you...... I am sure there are some good stamps to show somewhere for this anniversary... enjoy your stamps and history ...Michael
I was sorting a bag of stamps today and came across a few cards with some GB Wilding High Values. Here are two I found. I hope the scan shows them as nice as they are in real life. Lovely stamp design in my view.
Something different tonight and I hope it works for you.. try this link