cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, January 31, 2013

hi, sometimes it is just so good to know there are people out there thinking of you. Nice feeling. Makes life worth living when it is not worth living. This from a card I received in the mail today, The Canada Year of the Snake issue.

Thanks,  it helped me through the day

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hi, just wanted you to know I have loaded another 100 Australia VFU to my Bidstart Store..   all early SG from 1960's through 1970's .........all nice and many higher catalogue values..  the difficult to find stamps..........maybe the gaps you have in your collection?  see the stamps above.. any idea what the catalogue value of the 35c stamps is?  It may surprise you..   available  from my Bidstart Store.  it is SG  531, the 1972 Christmas issue. It certainly surprised me when I was cataloging my old stock.

Please enjoy looking at my Store at seller ID michaelatcddstamps

prices are very competitive and quality is as you would expect from a Director of the IPDA (Internet Philatelic Dealers Association)

Best wishes ..Michael

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hi, been a while hasn't it, since I last wrote.  Time passes so fast when you are busy.   It has been raining here for two days so I have made time to do some stamps.  Now loaded  just over 500 lots in my Bidstart Store. Lots of great stamps at very realistic and competitive prices. Sales have been good so far, so I must be doing something right. Hope you have time to browse the store. Seller ID  michaelatcddstamps   at   or try clicking here,  I think the link works cddstamps Bidstart Store
The stamps in this blog are there, and I will try to put up more over coming weeks.  Great selection already of Australia and Great Britain and lots more.
Best wishes and I hope everyone is safe and well and not badly impacted by bad weather - as there seems to be so much or it around these days.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Hello everyone,  

Years ago as a young lad I used to go to a stamp dealer in Edinburgh and browse through his stock books and buy the odd stamp to fill a gap in my collection.   That is now largely a thing of the past. These days we all look through on line stores, like eBay and Bidstart and Delcampe and many others.  I do miss buying at the dealers and the interaction, One reason for my blogs, to chat to you all about stamps.

But I have started as you may know already a Bidstart store and I hope you will enjoy the material I have listed. All useful, no junk, I tried to think,  what would I like to see.

Anyway, it takes a while to load the material so I have been selective and there is no cat 5c  or 10c stamps  99% of material is cat GBP 0.50 or more  with probably 50% over 1 GBP cat. Catalogue values are listed in my descriptions and practically everything I list is VFU

Anyway, if you have gaps in Australia or want some very good GB  please have a visit to my store

I have listed over 350 items so far  - do enjoy a look at me at seller id michaelatcddstamps.

I am starting GB GV, GVI and QEII definitives this coming weekend and nearly all material will be sideways, or inverted watermarks  of the various watermarks of the definitive issues.  Perhaps there will be something there you might find to fill a gap in your collections.

My prices are usually 5% to 25 % of cat and as I say quality is usually VFU.

Enjoy your stamps   Best wishes ...Michael

Hi, I just finished loading more stamps to my Bidstart store - seller id michaelatcddstamps at  -  do have a look if you have some gaps in your Australian collection.     all VFU.. and at 20% or less of cat.  one example above and one below ......

Many of the more difficult to get. I have so much stock  and if there is something not there you need just email me at and I will see what I can do.

In coming weeks I will start loading GB GV and GV1     do keep looking for the surprises and deals.

Enjoy your stamps  ... Michael;

PS  ....  and don't miss the competition now running on my aerophilately blog at    :-)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Later that day, well actually the following day as it is 02:30...    and just finished work..  tried again and still blogspot will not let me load a picture..    oh well        will try again :-)

best wishes ... Michael

it is working today so here are the stamps enjoy if you have not seen them before

Sunday afternoon and I have just woken up. Thought I would have a look at stamp related topics to change my brain patern after what has so far been a 20 hour working weekend. I go back into office in an hour for evening shift so to speak and I must say it is a very rewarding experience to have been part of what I have been doing.  

Anyway for some reason I was thinking London Underground even though I usually think only of planes and airline matters :-)  Thus the stamps above.  (which are not there again because Blogspot wont give me file selection to upload. will try later)   Nice issue?  I think so.  You have probably seen them in many sources but I thought I would show.  Somewhat nostalgic for me as I spent many years travelling on the Central line I think it was called.

Hope you all having a great weekend. Oh yes, have you looked at my Bidstart Store yet. Many sales over the past week and if you were one of the buyers please accept my apology for slow mailing. Will be back in Sydney and deal with orders on 22nd.  Seller id michaelatcddstamps of course. Enjoy


Friday, January 11, 2013

Ahhhhah     It is working tonight. So here are the stamps. Hope you like them. and no I didn't get to Post Office again today. Did not even have a break from 8am to 7 tonight. Enjoying work though.

Have a great weekend..   Off to get some dinner now as have an early start tomorrow and a very long weekend in the office. Wish us luck... even if I cannot tell you what I am doing. Anyone who knows me and knows I am in Brisbane will know :-)

Hey, there is a competition. Tell me, and if I can get a few sets of these stamps I will mail then to you one day when this next 7 days is all over :-)    usual email

Best wishes .. Michael

Thursday, January 10, 2013

well it seems I cannot load pictures.  sorry. Not sure if it is a problem with Blogspot or the fact I have a bad connection in this motel I am staying at.

 be patient please. 

I never made it to the Post Office today. So tomorrow hopefully to get those Year of the Snake stamps I would just like to show you.

Best wishes from Brisbane ...Michael

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Picture not uploaded yet no way I can upload for some strange reason  sorry

Hello,    hope you like these. I meant to get to the Post Office to buy some but just had no free time.

Maybe tomorrow. Maybe even get an extra set or two as a prize for a competition :-)

The Snake is the sixth sign in the Chinese zodiac and it symbolises wisdom, caution and romance.   Not my sign eh!!!!!  The stamps feature the calligraphic symbol for the Snake and its pictorial derivation.

The stamps show the development of the Chinese character for the Snake, shown fully in the $1.80c stamp, and the way it is derived from its pictorial representation, shown in the 60c stamp. Paper-cut motifs are used to pictorially represent the Snake in the 60c stamp.

send me a picture of the Year of teh Snake stamps from your contry and I'll show them so other readers can enjoy.

Best wishes ... Michael

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Stamps and more stamps..  I have put even more on my Bidstart Store.   seller ID michaelatcddstamps as you will know by now I hope :-)
Over 300 lots, now including very recent Australia and Great Britain.

FYI I am put of town for the next two weeks.. so any mailings will be slow.. Apology in advance

Best wishes .. Michael

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Hello, I am back in Sydney again after a few days in Brisbane. No time to write while there I am afraid as really long days and I have no stamps with me. Next few weeks will be really busy for me so maybe won’t be writing much but please keep looking. I would love to tell you what I am working on but I best not. I will wait until it is all over in the next few weeks and hopefully have some interesting news for you. May even do a special cover just for my readers. I have an idea in mind :-)
Anyway the above stamp is a 1c Australia from 1985 and has a catalogue value of  £3.00. Quite surprised me when I looked this up in my catalogues. It is for sale in my Bidstart store for 25% of cat. along with well over 200 other lots mostly at 20% or less of catalogue and all stamps in VFU condition. You must know by now, but for new readers I am seller ID michaelatcddstamps  at
I had a comment about postage. Maybe I did not make this clear in my Bidstart listings so the feedback was very useful to me. I combine lots for postage  so you can get as many lots as you like for one postage charge as long as you don't go over the weight for an envelope  that I have to pay Australia Post. I had a 15 lot order this week from Australia and was able to send all for just a 65c postage fee. Now is that a deal or what given my prices are very competitive.

And what about the 1994 Automatic Cash Machine stamps. Under valued in my humble view. I have a few in my Bidstart store. Enjoy looking if nothing else.  I bet not many of you have these or have even seen them :-)
Enjoy your stamps..  
Hope everyone well… Best wishes … Michael

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