cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hi, been a while hasn't it, since I last wrote.  Time passes so fast when you are busy.   It has been raining here for two days so I have made time to do some stamps.  Now loaded  just over 500 lots in my Bidstart Store. Lots of great stamps at very realistic and competitive prices. Sales have been good so far, so I must be doing something right. Hope you have time to browse the store. Seller ID  michaelatcddstamps   at   or try clicking here,  I think the link works cddstamps Bidstart Store
The stamps in this blog are there, and I will try to put up more over coming weeks.  Great selection already of Australia and Great Britain and lots more.
Best wishes and I hope everyone is safe and well and not badly impacted by bad weather - as there seems to be so much or it around these days.



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