cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sinagpore - Melbourne A380 FFC

Hello everyone, I am back from my one night / day in Singapore. Great place even for a day. Busy geting covers franked of course but had some free time. You don't want to know!! :-)
Here is one of the covers. I carried mine, some for Tony at Buckingham Covers and a few beautiful cards for a UK specialist collector. If you ever see anything being represented as a FFC from this flight other than from these guys please write me :-)

Oh and a picture at the end .. someone has to do these things you know!!!

oh.. yes.. and I'll have the covers on the web site A380 Covers Catalogue in next few days.. and will be emailing all those who pre ordered. I have a couple spare for sale - I only made 24 - and I have to pay for my airfares and hotel yet :-)

Best wishes ................ Michael

Friday, September 25, 2009

Introducing my new A380 Covers Catalogue

Hello, Hope this finds you all well. Been a few days since I posted because I have been busy with a long overdue project. Some of you are interested in aviation and aerophilately I know, and I realise I have this on my aviation and aerophilately blog, but for others of you who might like to see some covers and pictures of crew I thought I'd introduce this project to you on this blog as well.

I have just completed - as far it can be completed. A Covers catalogue for cddstamps (and some others) A380 flight covers.

I hope you have some time to view. If you enjoy seeing flight covers, and pictures of crew I am sure you will enjoy looking around. It will take a while as every different cover is scanned. There is an Introduction Page, then a Table of Contents page with various boring details if you wish to buy a cover. Just one obvious point perhaps, if you view a picture just click back arrow to return to previous page. I have not had time to get too sophisticated in the code. Of you can access everything from the cddstamps website home page

If you find an error or bad link please let me know. I have tested it but I could have missed something. email as always at
Have a great weekend, Best wishes ............. Michael

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Norfolk Island Stamps - A quiz

Hello, I found these today while sorting some stamps, interesting shape I think you will agree.. the stamp is actually the "island", it peels off I believe. These are mint .. no hinge on back, which is inscribed with details on the Norfolk Island postal authority.

These are your.. 5th correct answer.. to this quiz question... in what year was the second settlement recorded as having started? email me at

Awesome and not that pleasant history if you have not read it... not that flattering to the British of the day in my humble view. Stamps are stamps but ultimately there is a history behind them.

Look forward to hearing from you.. oh.. and have you voted on my A380 cover designs??? cddstamps aerophilately I would be so pleased if you did vote


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Royal Mail and IYA 2009

Hello everyone, I wrote way back on the International Year of Astronomy issues. I even showed many of the stamps from the various issuing countries. I have been waiting for the Royal Mail issue, and finally realised / found out that it is the Sir Martin Ryle stamp in the Eminent Britons issue, due for release on 8th October.

This one stamp has the Europa recognition on it. This is best scan I can get at the moment.

Nice set as well, in my view. Best wishes.. Michael

Friday, September 18, 2009

from Royal Mail website

Hello, tonight I was browsing the Royal Mail website.

Not being up to date on issues I thought I'd have a look. Did not find what I was looking for but then am I surprised.. No I don't think so.

I did notice that the High value definitives (£1, £1.50, £2, £3, £5) are now available in self adhesive sheets of 10 and 50. deerrgghh, who is going to collect those I wonder, let alone who is ever going to see one of the stamps used on a "parcel". If anyone sends me anything requiring high value postage cost the first thing the Post Office do is print a sticky label.. not collectable as a stamp in my humble view.. so why are Royal Mail issuing these self adhesive high values??? maybe these stamps have been around for ages.. what do I know, except I don't have any, wish I did as my collection is now far from complete, but my bank balance is a lot better off :-)

still I do like the stamps and I would enjoy having these in my collection, mint and used :-)

Anyone got any used - I would really like to hear from you, or can you trade? email me at

Have a great weekend .. Michael

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Australian Songbirds

Hello.. I saw these today.. I thought you would enjoy seeing them as well..

Did you know Australia is home to an estimated 750 species of birds, of which the most prevalent group are songbirds. Around the world there are some 65 to 70 families of song birds and of these 33 are found in Australia.

stamps help us learn so much eh!!! :-) enjoy.. michael

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

100 free australian stamps

Hello, I was sorting some stamps today and made up packets of 100 for some of my Childrens Corner emails. I made a few extras. email me at if you would like a free packet. offer available until all the extras have been mailed.

If you want to read more and see more about the Royal Mail Battle of Britain stamps (see last nights post) and one stunning FDC please have a look at cddstamps aerophilately

Enjoy your stamps ...............Michael

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

60 Years ago today

Hello everyone, On September 13th 1965, Royal Mail issued a set of stamps to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain. This air fight between England and Germany is generally regarded as lasting from July to October 1940.
I am interested in the stamps and the aircraft but history is history and the aircraft and pilots are still remembered to this day and so I thought it timely to show this stamp from the 1965 issue.

Why 60 years ago today? see more stamps and read more please visit
aviation and aerophilately
Best wishes .. Michael

Monday, September 14, 2009

Helicopter on GB stamp

Hello, I did a piece on Helicopters last night and got to thinking how many stamps I have with helicopters on. Ok, so yes I need to get a life :-) but I remembered this one, from 1963.

The stamp was from the International Lifeboat Conference issue. Obviously they had difficulty thinking up ideas for stamp issues back then :-)
But seriously, it goes to show how important helicopters are in many areas.

Lovely stamps design as well, in my view.

Enjoy your stamps...... Best wishes........... Michael

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Helicopters on stamps

We had two really hot days this weekend and with no rain to speak of for a couple of months we are getting bush fires. Some 60 fires reported along the NSW Central Coast area, that is Sydney and northern areas.. over past 24 hours. The air smells I can tell you. I saw the helicopters out the back of my place yesterday, water bombing a fire close to us. .. all this to say I thought I’d show a “helicopter on stamps” stamp tonight (from my Alderney collection) and in admiration of the people that fly these machines especially when saving our properties here in NSW in Australia or other parts of the world.

And also, to add, if you are interested in Helicopters on stamps do have a look at helicoptersonstamps surely one of the best thematic website you have ever seen

Best wishes… Michael

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another postal franking

Hello, Hope you like this.. I doubt you will see many such post marks..... pictorial as this is. I am told there are very few in Australia.

I don't know about other countries. If you have something special please send to me at and I will share with others.

And for those of you who want to see the island here is the postcard I sent to home.

Enjoy every aspect of philately

Best wishes ............ Michael

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

did you mail a letter to yourself today

Hi.. did you? well I did.. be interesting to see the franking from the post office, for the two envelopes I mailed to myself .. but this is the one I got from my friendly Post Master.

Best wishes .. Michael

Monday, September 07, 2009

Lord Howe Island

Hello, sorry not been writing much these past few months. I am still here.. just away fron Sydney a lot and often with limited access to email and material for the blog.

Last week I was in Lord Howe Island. A stunningly beautiful Island in the South Pacific just over an hours flight from Sydney.

I picked up this cover I thought you might like to see.

will be back to writing about stamps over coming weeks, hopefully, work opportunities allowing.

Best wishes.......... Michael

And please don't forget my Aviation and Aerophilately blog at where I am also starting to write again.

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!