cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Just issued the IPDA March Newsletter.  thought I would share one idea I had with you. Maybe someone out there can send me material?

Recently I started to get my New Zealand stock is some sort of order to list in my bidStart Store. Material I somehow accumulated while living in Australia, and some recent material I picked up at auction thinking it would make good stock material.

The difficulty for me is I am not well versed in the peculiarities of the watermark variations. On the face of it, It should be simple enough (no, not at all I think you may say?).

So here is a request. Anyone with knowledge and ability to show scans, able to write a piece helping me and perhaps others see the varieties easily?

For example, how to correctly identify W98 when normal upright, inverted,  inverted and reversed, sideways inverted, and the same for Single Watermark.

I look forward to hearing from you  ....... write me at,    Guest copy of IPDA Newsletter will also be sent on request.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Hello everyone, yes am back writing. Been a busy few weeks, no time for philately I am afraid.

I started looking again at New Zealand. Seems like this is an area people are looking for from my bidStart Store. But oh dear, the study of the earlier issues is making my brain ache.

Take this stamp from the lovely 1900 - 1903 issue. Dare I catalogue it wrong? I hope not.

Why, well because, as many of you know even better than me, there are 4 issues ( am I right ) SG 278 dull purple, perf 11 with SG Cat at £0.65, then SG 319, Grey Purple, perf 14, Cat £2.50, then SG 331, purple, compound perfs 11 and 14 with a Cat of £375 and finally SG 340, purple, mixed perfs with a Cat of £325.

Apart from trying to sell at wrong price and losing big time I could also be selling with wrong details and upsetting a customer. And I certainly don't want to do that!

Now it should be easy just by perfs to decide (but they are hard to tell on these issues in my view) and there are also other variation which I wont bore you with.

All this to remind you that it is so important to carefully study many of these earlier issues and have a good catalogue to help you. 

Anyway, anyone want to make an offer, lets say 100 quid postage paid :-) No refunds hahahahahah, just my sense of humour.

Have a great weekend. Michael

Friday, February 13, 2015

Hello and welcome to Friday. Just a short message. Hope you like the new Hong Kong stamps. Bit corny but it is Valentines day tomorrow. The theme Hong Kong Post use is "Heartwarming", showing 6 different heart-shaped designs. You have to admire their creativity on the one with bread and fried egg! On top of the conventional four-colour lithography printing, an embossing effect is also employed to (as HK Post say) charmingly underline the “Heart” theme. In addition, to address the changing needs of customers, Hong Kong Post launches a newly designed mini-pane with different sized, soft colour toned, heart motifs to echo the stamp design. I have not seen this yet but hope to find one in time. I will be on a plane in the morning and will not have internet access for 9 days. How will I cope I am wondering. Also next week is Chinese New Year so my best wishes to all and Happy New Year, Gong Hei Fat Choi, "May you have much joy and wealth!" and of course enjoyment of your philatelic interests. Michael

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hello and welcome to the blog. New Zealand again tonight as I am sorting more and listing more in the Bidstart Store. The settlement of the Otago Province and the founding of the city of Dunedin on 23 March 1848 were commemorated by four stamps depicting the arrival of the immigrant ships, the town of Cromwell, the First Dunedin Church and the University of Otago. This stamp is the 6d value showing the University. Otago University was the first to be established in New Zealand. It was founded in 1869 and opened in 1871 with an enrolment of 81 students. Although it offers for students of various facilities, its medical, dental and mining schools have turned out graduates who have won world fame. Representations of transport and the primary products of the province are also shown. The stamp has a St Cuthbert's 'Royal Cypher', multiple NZ and star watermark. I always say check the watermark. In this case it is well worth it. This stamp, MUH, is catalogued I believe at £0.30. If you had (maybe you have) a used copy with inverted watermark it would be catalogued at £300.00 Enjoy your stamps Best wishes.. Michael

Monday, February 09, 2015

Hello, New Zealand tonight just because they were on top of a pile of stamps I had out over the weekend. Nothing special really but a lovely design. The 1930 to 1950 issues were beautifully designed in my view and make enjoyable study. This one is SG 673 and shows the Navy Badge with the ships Achilles and Dominion Monarch. Achilles became famous for her part in the Battle of the River Plate, and Dominion Monarch was was a British refrigerated cargo liner. Plenty in my Bidstart Store and more to come as time permits. I have lots more New Zealand in stock and if you have a gap in your collection just write to me at Enjoy your stamps Michael

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Australia tonight, Just a stamp I hope you enjoy seeing. Lots of these and more higher value Australia in the Bidstart Store here if you need to fill a gap or two in your collection. Have a great weekend Michael

Friday, February 06, 2015

Just back from a lovely dinner with my daughter who is visiting HK with her girlfriend. Lovely evening.

But back to stamps. I have had this and a few others around for some time and been meaning to research them.  No time really so how about I show you and ask for information and views.

Hope you enjoy seeing this one.  Oct 24 cancel from Macheke, which  is a town some 100km east of Harare (previously Salisbury) in what was Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Did I remember that right. And it is in lovely clean condition

Interested in Southern Rhodesia, or Rhodesia stamps and want to fill a few gaps in your collection then please visit here.  Many Customers picking up some good material. Hope you can join them.

Have a great weekend and enjoy your stamps.  Michael

Thursday, February 05, 2015

no one needs another pen, do they? of course they don't, but a cddstamps pen now that is something special smile emoticon any stamp order from my Bidstart Store at and you get one for free. smile emoticon - valid until 14th February. My Valentines gift to you all smile emoticonCannot afford roses or free stamps smile emoticon great selection of Australia, NZ, Canada, Rhodesia's Great Britain, Fiji, and a few more British Commonwealth . Nice quality nice prices and fast service.

best wishes   Michael

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Hello, sorry been absent for a while. Just so busy.  Day time work and other than stuff and golf nights (flood light course) seem to be consuming so much of my time.

But, I have manged to list another 130 plus early 1930's New Zealand stamps to the Bidstart Store.   If you collect New Zealand and have a few gaps in your collection my Store maybe worth a visit.

 MUH copies for example. Hard to find and quite pricey in many auction sites.

Have a great day / night where ever you are and enjoy your stamps.....  Michael

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Click to zoom in on my visitor map!