cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, February 13, 2015

Hello and welcome to Friday. Just a short message. Hope you like the new Hong Kong stamps. Bit corny but it is Valentines day tomorrow. The theme Hong Kong Post use is "Heartwarming", showing 6 different heart-shaped designs. You have to admire their creativity on the one with bread and fried egg! On top of the conventional four-colour lithography printing, an embossing effect is also employed to (as HK Post say) charmingly underline the “Heart” theme. In addition, to address the changing needs of customers, Hong Kong Post launches a newly designed mini-pane with different sized, soft colour toned, heart motifs to echo the stamp design. I have not seen this yet but hope to find one in time. I will be on a plane in the morning and will not have internet access for 9 days. How will I cope I am wondering. Also next week is Chinese New Year so my best wishes to all and Happy New Year, Gong Hei Fat Choi, "May you have much joy and wealth!" and of course enjoyment of your philatelic interests. Michael


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