cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, September 19, 2014

Hello, well that last week went by pretty fast. I wrote on Monday and here I am finally with some time to write again on Saturday.

 Am relaxing, sorting stamps, listing more GB in my Bidstart Store ( click here for the home page index of the countries I stock - over 10,000 listings in total) and generally just enjoying the weekend. If you want to fill a gap in your collection and at a fair price and don't want to buy a complete set, or so called kiloware mix that disappoints you, please have a look.

About the stamps above. I received some stamps from a friend in the UK (yes we can still call it the UK!!!!) and saw these two.

The same but different, so to speak. Anyone see the difference and know why? I will explain tomorrow.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.



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