cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hello, tonight my latest Hong Kong MS. 

Hongkong Post  issued set of special stamps entitled "Cantonese Opera Costumes" on 21st August.  

Cantonese opera is a major theatre genre in southern China and a highly valued traditional performing art in Hong Kong. With a live orchestra and special theatrical costumes, Cantonese opera is an art form involving many skills such as singing, acting, narration and martial arts. Cantonese opera costumes come in a wide variety of styles and correspond to the identity and social status of the different roles performed on the stage. 

The performers on this $10 stamp sheetlet are dressed in grand armour, playing the marshals of "The Joint Investiture" and projecting a heroic, gallant and formidable demeanour.

Tomorrow I will show some of the stamps from the issue.

Hope you enjoyed seeing this.  Click image to enlarge

Have a great weekend.    Michael


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