cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hello, for those of you  interested in Royal Mail Post and Go I thought you might enjoy seeing the following 

From Philakorea 2014 in Soeul last week,  rather rare maybe.. why I hear you ask. well on the day I was there the payment gateway was not working. I struck up a friendly rapport with the guy on the stand, a technician, not  Royal Mail guy and he kindly overrode the system and printed a set for me.  I met him at 8:30 ( yes I got in before the show opened..   well we have our ways :-)  and finally by about 12:30 when it was clear the payment gateway was not coming up and I had to leave to get my flight back to Hong Kong he got these from the machine for me. How nice of him.

 Hope you enjoy seeing them.


At 6:20 AM, Blogger Ian - Norvic said...


Were the machines set to UK time, as I can't believe you were there buying these at 4.30 am !



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