cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Hello, I do hope everyone had a great weekend. Writing philatelic Newsletters has been my top priority with the IPDA  August Newsletter now published and my own cddstamps Newsletter also issued.

For a copy of one or both just email me at

I am very pleased with the way the cddstamps Newsletter turned out. I have had some ideas in my head this past week and it looks good and has some lovely pictures of stamps. It is only a one pager so quick and easy to read. A stamp handling tip is included as it was a thought I had that I wanted to share with my readers.

As for stamps. I am still loading more GB Commemoratives to my Bidsdstart store. There are now over 4000 GB issues in the 10,000 lots available. I keep my stock to just 30 countries, GB and British Commonwealth. Click here for a listing including the stamp above (SG 2156  from the May 1st issue with red arrows tab). No junk, as far as I am concerned.  I hope you can find something to fill a gap or two in your collection.

Best wishes... Michael


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