cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hello, just a short note tonight. Been busy cataloging and loading more stock to my Bidstart Store.

Just 48 more GB QE II items but a quick look at the 2014 catalogue prices showed me that 25% of these had price rises since I last listed. And, I have not changed the prices of all my other listings, and, even kept the prices the same, and,  that means on average my stock is listed at about 20%  of cat. Small sample I know but thought worth telling you because it reassures me I am offering quality and value together.  And, I have 20 of these 48 as new listings, in many cases replacing stock already sold.

Hope you have time to look and fill a gap or two or more in your collection.

Enjoy your stamps... Best wishes... Michael


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