cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Hello, I was tidying up today and came across a few old Canada covers. This one I rather like. Issued as you can see in 1935 for GV Silver Jubilee. SG 337 is nicely franked with the first day of issue postmark from Toronto.

As you may know I have long had an interest in GB GV but always enjoy seeing GV from the many other countries that had  GV and of course the famous Silver Jubilee issues. If this is an area that interest you I highly recommend this web site King George V Silver Jubilee With some 500 pages it will take you a while to get familiar with the content but it will also see you glued to your computer for a quiet a while.  Great piece of work.

Enjoy your stamps and don't forget to visit my Bidsatrt Store if you want to fill a gap in your collection, especially Canada, at competitive prices.



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