cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hello, yes I am back in Hong Kong after a wonderful trip to the UK. And yes I did manage to get a few stamps. Tried my luck at a Postal Vending machine at London Heathrow Airport and got this booklet. .

Lovely Buckingham Palace stamps which are different from the regular commemorative issue of 6 Ist Class stamps.  I have those as well I might add, and handfranked, and will be listing in my Bidstart Store very shortly. Well that is when I get some time to catch up on emails and other things.
Oh!, and the Security Machins are 2014, code C. Very collectable I think.  Click image to see larger view.

Give me a week or two and I will get some of the new material listed in my  Bidstart Store. I tried a few Post Offices and only one had the recent Buckingham Palace issue and the Films issue commemoratives. I have them handfranked used. As I have said many times the new GB Commemoratives are getting harder and harder to find in used condition. Watch out for these in my Bidstart Store soon.

Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes.. Michael


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