cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, May 12, 2014

Hello, How is everyone? Good I hope.  I am very  pleased to tell you I have now just over 9600 items listed in my Bidstart Store. Some achievement over the past weeks I think.  And,  I am am sure there is something there to help you fill a few gaps in your collection. Especially if you are collecting Great Britain Machins.

I think these are a most interesting stamp because there are so many colours, perfs, printings, values, you name it, the list goes on and on. If you search "Machin" in my Store you will find them all. many hundreds, in fact nearly 1000. When you view you won't just see one of a value, you will often see two or more. That way I offer the chance to collect the copy that suits your collection I hope.

Of course you can just go to the Sales page at my website and select Security Machins as that link also brings up all the Machins, including, of course, all the security Machins. Or maybe you know the SG number of the stamp you need. Just type the SG number, for example X874, into the Search For field and up comes all the copies I have of that stamp. Or in teh case of the example above both the 2 Band and 1 Centre Band issues.

This may be my last post for a while  as I am travelling again, this time to London. Hope to get a few new issues and some new stock.  But, I have plenty of stock in the Store  to keep you busy while I am away. Please accept apology for slow mailing of orders over next 12 days.

Do check the blog, you never know, I may just be able to load a surprise competition with some new GB issues as prizes :-)

Best wishes and thanks for visiting the blog and my Stamp Store



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