cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hello, well what's the number one topic of conversation these days. Hard to tell but one topic is surely the new iPhone 6 from Apple. I saw this stamp and thought of that. Warped mind that I have.

And of course Sir Isaac Newton was a legend in his own right. iPhone or not in his day. Lovely design of all 4 in this set. SG 1351 - 1354  Missing one of the set.   You know where to find it.    bidstart sales.

Enjoy your stamps and watch out for that Apple!


Monday, September 22, 2014

Hello, tonight I am cataloging and scanning some covers from Great Britain. I collected these many years ago, and somehow got a reasonable quantity of stock. I have never done anything with them in the last 25 years and now is the time. Especially as I got a few surprises when I looked at the SG catalogue value. I only have the SG Specialised 2013 with me so maybe 2014 prices are higher. I need to find out I think.

The above is SG X906M and was mailed airmail, as you can see to Australia. In lovely condition considering it is also nearly 25 years ago since it was mailed.

It contains a rather interesting selection of stamps, in my view. 8 different stamps if you look carefully, and individually with a catalogue value of £30.35. My 2013 catalogue shows the Pane value at £20.00.

What is your advice as to a reasonable selling price I wonder? Free postage to sensible offer?

Maybe I will try eBay, or my Bidstart Store.  Maybe contribute some funds towards a nice Hong Kong selection I have seen at an upcoming auction. :-)

Enjoy your stamps, and don't forget, if you want to fill a gap in your collection just visit cddstamps

Best wishes..  Michael

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hello, weekend shot by.. Sunday evening now and time for a few words before bed.

First the two stamps I showed yesterday. One is a regular counter sheet stamps ( the left one) and the other is a non soluble gum stamp - from a booklet I presume. Am not up on these issues as just too many to keep track of. The non soluble gum is marginally smaller and has different perforations.  always worth checking carefully when you see these new commemoratives I think.

I have many non soluble gum varieties  - always found when soaking.. and the stamps don't come off the envelope piece. Anyway one want a few? I will mail some duplicate for free you answer this question correctly - and I still have some left that is.

What is apparently wrong with the issue date of the Royal Mail planned issue of the new Magna Carter issue in 2015? Above a stamp issued by the USA to commemorate the 750th Anniversary of the Magna Carter

Enjoy your stamps.

Best wishes.. Michael

Friday, September 19, 2014

Hello, well that last week went by pretty fast. I wrote on Monday and here I am finally with some time to write again on Saturday.

 Am relaxing, sorting stamps, listing more GB in my Bidstart Store ( click here for the home page index of the countries I stock - over 10,000 listings in total) and generally just enjoying the weekend. If you want to fill a gap in your collection and at a fair price and don't want to buy a complete set, or so called kiloware mix that disappoints you, please have a look.

About the stamps above. I received some stamps from a friend in the UK (yes we can still call it the UK!!!!) and saw these two.

The same but different, so to speak. Anyone see the difference and know why? I will explain tomorrow.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Hello, yes I know its been a while since I wrote. I have no idea where the time goes. So busy. One thing that keeps me busy is listing new stock in my Bidstart Store.

Having just had an order for 68 stamps and wanting to keep my offerings to you as good as possible I spend a good part of my time sorting and cataloging and listing what I hope are stamps that will add value to your collection.

My message is....  Want to fill a gap in your collection and don't want to buy the whole issue. Well please visit my Store home page on my website here  to see the countries I list.

Self promotion is ok I guess, you check it out, and if self promotion is anything then I am very proud to say that a lot of my sales are from repeat orders.

I pack to ensure that if you think stamps will get damaged by rain, don't worry..all my material is packed to be rain proof. And one customer this weekend bought a nice selection of Hong Kong stamps so I used a complete new issue set on the mailing. Nice addition to that customers collection I expect. And I often get the stamps hand franked so you can be sure of a nice postal cancel on large orders.

As for tonights stamp I hope you enjoy seeing this. Rather timely as we have a signal 3 typhoon  warning here for typhoon  Kalmaegi. Why that name I have no idea. It means 'seagull' in Korean I think. The same weather in the Philippines is called typhoon Luis.

This miniature sheet, issued in March this years was printed with lithography plus a lenticular effect to show the trajectory of the very powerful 2012  typhoon Vicente.

Hope everyone stays safe wherever you are, and if you have a large enough or close to large enough order from my Bidstart Store  I will use one of these Miniature sheets on your mailing and get it hand franked for you.

Best wishes.. Michael

Monday, September 08, 2014

Hello, how is everyone?   Good I hope.   I have been sorting some New Zealand stamps over past two days. A selection of 80 that will be listed in my Bidstart Store over the next few days, All issued between 1900 and 1950.  Some interesting material. But how hard are they to catalogue?

Does anyone else find this. I have so much trouble identifying watermarks  So many look alike, and how do you decide if a watermark is inverted or sideways when there is no real distinguishing feature to the Watermark (well, as I see it)

So I just gave up and am listing some at minimum price. Maybe a surprise for the New Zealand specialist.

The above I measure at perf 13½ by 13½ yet there is no such listing in my specialised catalogue that I can find.  And the shading is different. And there are many varieties. So I will list for 10c the pair. Maybe useful for someone.  Most I am listing at 10% catalogue and with only a few exceptions I can correctly identify the varieties based on perforation differences alone.   Hope this offers the chance for you to fill a few gaps in your collection.

Best wishes... Michael

Friday, September 05, 2014

TGIF, yeah it is Friday and I am relaxing with a glass of Shiraz and sorting some covers.  This from  1980 - yes 34 years ago, doesn't seem that long does it - the £3 Story of Wedgwood Book of Stamps.

So much stock I am amazed at the items I find.

The sheet itself is in lovely condition and has the top middle 10p Machin with left band. I am sure readers more knowledgeable than me can tell me more about this issue and the Book. Note the lovely postal cancel. Corner just a little bent but considering this was in the mail I think the condition is very nice.

Is this something you collect I wonder. I will be listing this and many more in my Bidstart Store this weekend.

If you want to fill a few gaps in your collection please visit the Store.  Enjoy.

Have a great weekend.


Monday, September 01, 2014

Hello, last two I will show of these beautiful stamps from the Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Costumes issue.

The $1.70 stamp portrays a great Han costume. Embroidered with phoenix and floral designs, the costume is mostly worn by artists impersonating queens, princesses or imperial concubines. A female great Han costume features a top with draping sleeves and a large decorative shoulder cape, a long double layer pleated dress, a tight waist, a front flap and a back flap
The $2.20 stamp shows a gown with a sloping collar. The gown is a common Cantonese opera costume worn mostly by artists playing young aristocrats and noblemen. Decorated with floral patterns, it is characterised by a sloping collar, wide sleeves covered by flowing sleeves and a straight body with two side slits.

Enjoy your stamps...  Michael

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