cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hello, perhaps you will enjoy seeing this. From a large letter I received today. Very nice I think 

Michael     where you can fill some gaps in your collection at an affordable price  

 visit    if you have a few gaps in your GB, Australia, Eire, Canada, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, New Zealand, and a few other countries,  Please enjoy looking

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sorted some Hong Kong FDCs today. Some lovely covers from 1981 to 1989.  So nice to see and read about. Hope you like seeing this one. I must get back to that stamp arcade in Mong Kok soon. Excellent selection.

Have a great philatelic weekend ....... Michael

check this  link  for more :-)

Friday, January 24, 2014

TGIF, time for some stamps. Been a busy week. Busy in many ways, not the least because I got orders for 122 stamps yesterday and spent so much time packing them.  Good to know there are those of you who value the quality and price of what I am offering from my Bidstart Store. Thank you. I haven't yet paid off my stamp Christmas present to myself but I will maybe get there by May  hahahahahahhaa

Hope you enjoying tonights stamps. A se-tenant pair from Canada as you can see. These are SG 1296 and 1297 from the 1988 Canadian Butterflies issue.  These and many more are now listed in my Bidstart Store.

Have a look here for all my Canada listings and maybe you will be able to fill a gap or two in your collection.

Or look here to see all the countries I have in stock

I am looking forward to the long weekend next week, Chinese New Year when I will be listing more. Am currently sorting more Canada and Great Britain Machins.  Machins you say, Well I will be listing higher value items which might just help you fill a gap or two in your collections.

Have a great philatelic weekend.  best wishes.. Michael

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hello,today, after a few hours wandering the stamp arcade in Mong Kok, here in Hong Kong, and finding some nice covers, including this one I thought it time to write again.
This set was issued in 1999  to with  the support of the World Wide Fund for Nature. In fact it was the first set of Hong Kong Stamps to show the the PANDA image with the WWF initials trademark.
Hope you had a great philatelic weekend.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hello, a bit of nostalgia tonight and back to Machins.  I found this while sorting some material to list in my Bidstart Store.  

It is close to 33 years ago these were issued. This cover is as fresh now as it was then.  Somehow it has been looked after. It even has the original details card inside.  I checked my 2013 copy of SG Concise and see it is listed at £2.00.  Might make a nice listing for me.  Perhaps over coming week if I get some time.

I think it is nice to get these stamps on the cover because there have been so many issued over the years it sometimes gets very difficult to identify them.  Copies on a cover helps I think.

Have a great philatelic weekend.. Michael

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hi, well I had a very successful evening loading sorting and cataloguing and loading another 40 plus stamps to my Bidstart Store.

These included many new listings for Australia, including the one above. Isn't it lovely :-)

View my Australia stock here ....     or just visit my website at for a full list of countries I have in stock.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hi, Just finished loading some more Australia stamps to my Bidstart Store

another 53 new listings for Australia.. over 2000 stamps to chose from  to fill a gap or two in your collection ...

 Hope you can fill a gap or two or more in your collection. Lots of overseas airmail higher values..  nice quality and great prices.. not the sort of material you will find in many places I would think.

Best wishes... Michael

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hello, how about this MS. Isn't it awesome.  It even comes with a certificate of authenticity from Cartor, the security printer saying it "is affixed with 22K gold plated lace material"  click image to enlarge and enjoy.


and to see my Bidstart Hong Listings just click here.. I may list a copy. You never know....

Friday, January 10, 2014

Hello,  well the weekend started good. I queued for 90 minutes and finally was rewarded with the Year of the Horse stamps. Hope you like this MS.

Since there  is a sales restriction to individual customers and I manged to get the full allocation I thought maybe a nice gift to my Bidstart Customers. So until my supply lasts (6 copies)  I will give one of these free to the first 6 customers (one order per customer only please to share them around).  And, I will use a set (4 stamps) of the Year of the Horse stamps on each order I mail.   I got 1 sheet (25 stamps) of each value.

Fill a gap in your collection and get a set of the lovely Hong Kong Year of the Horse stamps postally used, at the same time.  Just visit and select the country you collect. To search for the stamp(s) you need just type the SG number into the "Search Store For"  field. I hope I have the stamps you are looking for in stock.

Have a great weekend.


Hi. TGIF.  welcome to the blog again. tonight I found this while sorting some kiloware. Nice little block of 6.

I just wrote on a Facebook page I read - a philatelic group - how I do not understand why people post image after image after image and keep goping of a single stamp and write nothing about them. Does that bug you. There is one guy on one group I read who has posted some 20 images, 20 stamps........  no write up, nothing. I am so bored with that. Does that bug you or am I just a GOM :-)   You know I am not really :-)

have a great weekend

oooops  forgot to write these up.. hahahahahahahahahahaha

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Hi, time for a whinge tonight. :-)   I don't know about you but one thing that really irritates me is these bloody red envelopes, and yellow and green ones. The colour just soaks into the stamps if you try to soak the stamps. Of course with so many stamps these days being non soluble gummed I guess we just have to get used to the idea of having a red margin around the stamps.  Actually quite pretty on some stamps. :-)

and then again, another example of so many stamps I have where the stamp was not cancelled :-)

Best wishes.. Michael

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Hi, collected my mail today and received a lovely selection of GB from a friend of mine who keeps the stamps from the office mail. Some nice stamps and a plenty of Security Machins for me to sort and study for codes. Sort of kiloware really as there must be 500 stamps there. What really surprises me is the % of unfranked stamps. Is there a new policy from Royal Mail I wonder, that they are not franking stamps now they have most issued with non soluble gum and security slits?  Certainly seems that way to me.

Of all the mail I have had from UK in past 6 months I would estimate, conservatively, that some 60% to 70% is never franked. As with these from the parcel I received.


Best wishes.. Michael

Monday, January 06, 2014

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!   Yes I know I am 6 days late. Just had no time for stamps or writing. Christmas / New Year  holiday just shot past. And now, I am back in Hong Kong maybe find some time for stamps. But even that is proving difficult.

I did manage to write my cddstamps January Newsletter this evening. If you are not on the mailing list just email me at and I will add you to the list and send a copy to you.

As for the stamps. Well I packed up a few more covers and random envelopes of stock while in Sydney and will try to find time to list them in my Bidstart store   in the hope you will find something to fill a gap or two, or more, in your collection.

This cover just because I found it and liked seeing it again. It shows SG 897-900 Phosphor.  A regular FDC is cat at only £2.50, and the used set at £1.50. Just goes to show there is no sustainable value in this old (issued nearly 42 years ago)  material.

enjoy your stamps, not necessarily their value

Best wishes.. Michael

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