cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, January 10, 2014

Hi. TGIF.  welcome to the blog again. tonight I found this while sorting some kiloware. Nice little block of 6.

I just wrote on a Facebook page I read - a philatelic group - how I do not understand why people post image after image after image and keep goping of a single stamp and write nothing about them. Does that bug you. There is one guy on one group I read who has posted some 20 images, 20 stamps........  no write up, nothing. I am so bored with that. Does that bug you or am I just a GOM :-)   You know I am not really :-)

have a great weekend

oooops  forgot to write these up.. hahahahahahahahahahaha


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