cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hello, just wanted to remind you about my auction lots

BIDSTART auctions.. I have just listed 170 lots (mostly Great Britain up to 2011 will be available but also some world mixes and thematics) and most lots start at US $0.95 and postage is FREE. The opening bid pays my postage so if you win at the opening bid you do well and I at least cover my costs. Have a look over next few days as I am looking to list even more. Lots of single stamps so you only buy what you need to complete your collection. As usual with my listings all material is VFU / FU or MNH unless started otherwise. I do not list damaged stamps and call them used!!!!!!!!!!! You can find me by searching user name michaelatcddstamps

And please remember I am a Director and Member of the Internet Philatelic Dealers Association and I abide by their rules of conduct for fair and safe trading.

Best wishes ...Michael

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hello, did anyone remember the significance of the date late weekend. I didn't I must admit. 21.1.12 I guess that is one way to write it. yes reads the same backwards. A numeric palindrome it is called. Another of lifes amusements for some :-) word palindromes are more fun, then I got to thinking, are their any philatelic palindromes? Nothing came to mind and all I can find from a quick search is some references to the data 11.11.11 I know one dealer who used to produce covers but that is as much as I know right now. Of course I did my own posting to get the franking 11.11.11 but sadly forget 21.1.12.

But talking numbers, how about my latest BIDSTART auctions.. I have just listed 147 lots (mostly Great Britain up to 2011 will be available but also some world mixes and thematics) and most lots start at US $0.95 and postage is FREE. The opening bid pays my postage so if you win at the opening bid you do well and I at least cover my costs. Have a look over next few days as I am looking to list even more. Lots of single stamps so you only buy what you need to complete your collection. As usual with my listings all material is VFU / FU or MNH unless started otherwise. I do not list damaged stamps and call them used!!!!!!!!!!! You can find me by searching user name michaelatcddstamps

And please remember I am a Director and Member of the Internet Philatelic Dealers Association and I abide by their rules of conduct for fair and safe trading.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hello again, After what I wrote last night and if you haven't read this I highly recommend it/ Quite entertaining, especially some of the comments at the end. Good to know there are so many highly intelligent people on the planet. Just love to read from them, don't you. can-stamp-collecting-deliver-a-profit

Of course the answer, like is any investment is yes and no, maybe and maybe not, sometimes and sometimes not. Enjoying your stamp collecting is delivering a profit isn't it!

Back to Year of the Dragon stamps. A nice issue from France. Many thanks to François for sending this image to me. You can enjoy his blog at coversandstamps

Best wishes and have a great weekend. I plan to put some GB Commemoratives on Bidstart Hope you have time to have a look and maybe find something of use for your collection. All opening bid prices will be to cover my postage, no other charges.


Back to Year of the Dragon stamps. A nice issue from France. Many thanks to François for sending this image to me. You can enjoy his blog at coversandstamps

Best wishes and have a great weekend. I plan to put some GB Commemoratives on Bidstart. hope you have time to have a look and maybe find something of use for your collection. All opening bid prices will be to cover my postage, no other charges.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do you get disillusioned sometimes with the stamp issuing practices of your country or any country for that matter.

I receive emails from some guy who writes up new issues on a yahoo group. I actually enjoy his emails. I forget the yahoo group or his name off top of my head but whoever he is I do enjoy the postings. Only to keep up to date I might add and hey I might see something I like.

But there is so much being issued isn't there, and who is buying it. You? Well why? Why bother, it will have a resell value less than what you paid for it in a few years. And why this from Royal Mail (see above) Is anyone wasting money buying these Smilers sheets. The only smilers are those at Royal Mail counting the cash I suspect. Ok, so you like Smilers sheets and the Year of the Dragon is interesting, well it is if you live in Hong Kong or China and the stamps actually commemorate the Lunar New Year in some way. But the UK...... derggghhh I don't see Hong Post issuing a Robbie Burns Commemorative, nor labels with sheep on them. This has to be Royal Mail making fools out of stamp collectors.

I am saving up for my SG 456a, not wasting money on new issues. baaaaaaaaaaa

Best wishes Michael :-)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hello, Kung hei fat choy, Happy (Chinese) New year. Hope you like this lovely Miniature sheet. I have an extra copy so a competition. email me with your answer to with your mailing address please. (no mailing address no winner)

In what year did Hong Kong Post start issuing stamps to commemorate the The Lunar New Year?

Have a great weekend... Michael

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hello again, tonight I am showing the 5 stamps from the Macau Year of the Dragon Stamps. I asked what were the other Dragons in previous writing didn't I. They are Wood Dragon, Fire Dragon, Metal Dragon and Earth Dragon. Well done to Priscillia from Singapore who sent first correct answer. I will mail your prize this weekend, if not before.

Has anyone got a favourite Year of the Dragon stamp or stamp set? I will find one more prize, a Year of the Dragon stamp from Hong Kong I think you might like. Just email me a scan of the stamp(s) with your mailing address please, to I will try to show them to others on future postings.

Best wishes and Happy Chinese New year to everyone.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hello, Hope you like this. The Year of the Dragon Miniature sheet from Macau. Interesting issue from Macau this year. Macao Post is in the firth issue of the third series of Chinese Zodiac sstamps. This year being the Year of the Dragon, as no doubt you are all of by now.

Macau Post adopted the "Heavenly Stems" calculation method to figure out the nature of the "Five Elements" for the designs of their stamps. I will show the stamps tomorrow. Can anyone tell me the 5 dragons? This year it is the Water Dragon. (so you only have to tell me the other 4) First correct email to me at with your mailing address please, will win this Miniature sheet.

Best wishes .. Michael

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Happy New Year, Yes I know I am a bit late but it is the thought that counts. :-) Hope ou all had a good a time over the Christmas and New Year break as I did. Stamp News? well nothing too exciting. I am waiting for the new Roald Dahl issue from Royal mail, and the Year of the Dragon issue from Hong Kong Post. I will no doubt be lined up with every other Hong Kong resident next Saturday when the stamps are available for sale.

In the mean time I am busy producing the IPDA Anniversary cover - the cover is to commemorate the 10th Year of our Association. All members get one free. If you are not a member and you sell stamps on the internet then you should look at our web site IPDA and if you buy stamps online you should be asking is the seller a member of the IPDA, or some other accredited organisation.

anyway, not to start the tear on my soap box, but hey, buyer beware. :-)

Have a great philatelic year. Best wishes Michael CDDSTAMPS

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