cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do you get disillusioned sometimes with the stamp issuing practices of your country or any country for that matter.

I receive emails from some guy who writes up new issues on a yahoo group. I actually enjoy his emails. I forget the yahoo group or his name off top of my head but whoever he is I do enjoy the postings. Only to keep up to date I might add and hey I might see something I like.

But there is so much being issued isn't there, and who is buying it. You? Well why? Why bother, it will have a resell value less than what you paid for it in a few years. And why this from Royal Mail (see above) Is anyone wasting money buying these Smilers sheets. The only smilers are those at Royal Mail counting the cash I suspect. Ok, so you like Smilers sheets and the Year of the Dragon is interesting, well it is if you live in Hong Kong or China and the stamps actually commemorate the Lunar New Year in some way. But the UK...... derggghhh I don't see Hong Post issuing a Robbie Burns Commemorative, nor labels with sheep on them. This has to be Royal Mail making fools out of stamp collectors.

I am saving up for my SG 456a, not wasting money on new issues. baaaaaaaaaaa

Best wishes Michael :-)


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