flight plan up all night

hello, ok last flight story for a while.. some of you may not enjoy aircraft as much as I do... and I have had emails I need to write articles on, about other stamp topics... grey dots on GB stamps tomorrow for one and for all of you who I have not replied to,.. sorry, forgive me.. but please keep writing
what about this cover.. another I found.. I must be crazy as I should be selling on eBay but I don't have time so this as a give away to the first answer to the question I will eventually ask.. when I think of it ha ha
First this cover / stamp / plane has nothing to do with my question.. I just saw the cover and thought of this.. weird mind eh!! anyway.. what is the Zephyr and what does it have to do with solar power... read this to find out.. shape of things to come
http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jDzrd5aqDGSfF_ZdffS66cui4s1Q no that is not the question for the cover.. the question for the cover is.... what is the wingspan of the aircraft...compared to the A380 wingspan.. hee hee .. ratios here please.. so we have aircraft, stamps and now maths .. oh this is just too much will I lose readership.. ok back to straight stamps tomorrow
Enjoy your stamps.. Michael
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