I stayed in sydney this weekend
and decided it was about time I did some housework.. like laundry and changing lightbulbs and tidying up paperwork....... as with overdue bills and unopened letters,... oh dear .. found some from stamp friends.. maybe you.. .. to say I a
m disorganised would be putting it mildly... to say sorry for not writing back is the leats I can do.. but sorry

the same and thanks for some lovely stamps.... I will be reciprocating tomorrow for sure...... 
My piece last night did get some responses.. and one ( thanks Charlie) included these stamps.. interesting.. see, when I write there is always someone out there that knows more than me.. I do enjoy getting your emails as I learn so much from them.
I hope you like these...

My piece last night did get some responses.. and one ( thanks Charlie) included these stamps.. interesting.. see, when I write there is always someone out there that knows more than me.. I do enjoy getting your emails as I learn so much from them.
I hope you like these...
One of the unopened letters contained some stamps I bought on eBay months ago.. I had I think just written them off.. or maybe even forgotten I had bid... at times I wonder how I even manage to get through a day another letter contained this lovely MS..

Hope you like it.. a lovely addition to my collection.. if you are still reading .. Thanks..
On another theme.. yes a few tonight.. I was reading about the new GB Royal Mail issues planned for 2008... 15 issues counted so far... is that too many????.. I do think so.. pity, as I think collectors of new GB will be like the dodo in years to come.... I'll be honest and say I stopped.. it was just becoming too expensive... what about your country.. do you still collect new issues...??? drop me an email.. lets see what is happening around the world... I am interested to know...
oh yes... and I sorted some stamps today.. I have these boxes and albums of covers.. ye gods how did I accumulate so much.. I have 10 assorted covers to give away to the first ten emails received by Sunday night my time.. ( the other few hundred I will be selling from my web site..at give away prices..... http://www.cddstamps.com/ I will update the web site in next 24 hours) .. lucky dip so to speak.. I even pay the postage.. just email me with your mailing address..
Best wishes... enjoy your stamps... Michael
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