cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, July 26, 2007

why I love stamps.........

how good to get replies to last nights question.. and stamp scans..

It is wonderful to know there are so many knowledgable people out there.. to be honest, I would not have known the answer...had I been given the question.. so for all the rest of us... first, here is a stamp... and then another..

thanks Charlie...

and the answer..

This is seen on the halfpenny stamp of St.Kitts-Nevis that is part of their 1905-18 definitive issue. maybe the 2 penny as well ...... but I have not checked the other values.. bit short for time again....

It is silly because it was at least 100 years before the telescope was discovered. yes the Columbus voyage was about 1492 and the telescope was not invented until 1608.. from memory..

ha ha and here is another..

wonderful stamps eh!!!!

next surprise...

I am flying out of Sydney on Sunday for a meeting in this capital city which is located on the south east coast of the island called Vita Levu .. where am I going.. ?

I get back on Tuesday so don't for a minute think I am having fun. I will try to show some stamps from there on my return.

As usual.. emails to me at and maybe a FDC to the first one or two or three replies.. enjoy your stamps.. and if you have any you think I could write about please send me a scan... best wishes.. Michael


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