Thanks for your support..and here some new Australian stamps
Hello, well how good to get emails and people agree with me on the recent topics.. ( mind you, I dont have a problem with anyone disagreeing with me, as long as they can present a sound argument as to why I could be wrong... but ... me wrong..surely not
Anyway..... keep reading as I will be trying to help you and give you some interesting stamps to view and maybe collect.

Tonight I updated my web site - well the home page - I should have been packing stamps that are a few weeks oops overdue but maybe tomorrow . Hey they are free so I am sure you dont mind waiting a while .. please
What about these.. rather nice I think. Better than some of the recent rubbish we have been seeing.. but as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Anyway I like them and so you will have to put up with what I show I guess
But would you like a set of these on an envelope to you? Of course you would. Well all you have to do is read the web site and place an order and I will use these on the mailing I send you. Yes even if you are in Australia. I am too generous I hear you say. Offer is valid until the end of the month of July. web site is yeah ok, you knew that I guess.
Time for bed.. gotta go.. enjoy your stamps.. thanks for emails.. keep them coming.. best wishes.. Michael
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