star wars... stamps.. or stickers
Hello, it is late at night, yet I wanted to show another set of stamps I picked up while in the US. (gift to me ok .. .. no I did not buy them... )
I realise now - having seen so many of the US issues - that I really have little to complain about when I see the Great Britain and Australia new issues.
The US really can produce some sticker rubbish .. seriously folks .. this is real childrens album sticker stuff.. isn't it. My children ..... many years ago used to collect stickers.... oh how they missed out.. but lets look on the positive side..maybe these "stamps" are getting children into stamp collecting. One can only hope there is a bright side. 

Ok here are the stamps... awful.. right.. ????
you disagree???..... ok, write to me and tell me why.. a GB FDC of real stamps to all who can take me on me at and please include your maling address.
back to some serious stamp thoughts tomorrow......... enjoy your stamps....Michael
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