a Challenge.. or two....
Hello,.. sorry been off line.. too much happening.. and no time for stamps.. That is not news I guess!!
I was looking at eBay a few minutes ago.. I am following the auction for the A380 seats from Singapore to Sydney.. but I have to say the price is getting out of my price range.. shucks.. I really wanted to fly on that first flight and carry some covers.. hey.. any benefactors out that want to sponsor me.. I need about $5000... easy I think.. 5 benfactors at $1000 and I'll pay the rest myself.. anyone spare cash out there.. just one of you would do.. I will get you listed on my FDC... My idea is to make some covers and carry them on the first flight.. even hope to get some signed by the crew.... will be a dream ticket me thinks... Of course if you sponsor me you will get a free cover..carried on the first commercial flight of the A380... write me if you are interested.. and I am interested.. I will pay my own way to Singapore for the flight, including any hotel costs...
oh well I can dream but if I don't ask I will never know if I could get
Ok, to some stamps...

I look forward to hearing from you.. enjoy your stamps.. and if you want to make a donation to my SQ 380 flight.. please email me.. if I go.. great.. If I don't you get your money back... honest.. well where can I go.. you all know me
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