airships.. well it is a different topic..........

Hello, looking through my flight covers I came across this.. awesome looking "airship" don't you think.. and it had a length of 84 feet.. in the picture it looks big doesn't it, and dont we think of airships as big... well compare this to the A380 which I seem to have on my mind ... which is 239.5 feet in length..
so tell me .. to win this cover if you email me the correct answer to and include your mailing address.. is the A380 length greater or lesser then its width measured wing tip to wing tip...??
enjoy your stamps.. oh...........and I just thought of a new competition.. you design a commemorative postmark for the Sydney to Singapore flight.. first commercial A380 flight from Sydney to Singapore - it is the return of the Singapore Airways flight from Singapore to Sydney and departs 26 October 2007 .. design a frank.. I'll chose the one I like the best and get a handstamp made.. there will surely be a prize.. time will tell email me in jpeg format if you possibly can
The length of the A380 is shorter than its width.
And if you would like to see a letter actually posted on the Hindenburg, go to my blog:
Danna Mancini
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