Hello, I have not written about Australia stamps for a while so just a short piece on these two shown. One of the reasons for writing this, is because I was sorting and found a few stock cards with hundreds I had accumulated some years back and forgotten I had. Another reason, I was looking to see what sort of price sellers are asking for these and realized how many were not correctly identified by the sellers……….. and also how many list really bad quality copies – but that is another topic :-)
They are not expensive by catalogue value but nice to have to complete a collection, at least I think so.
They were issued as part of the 2005 Australian Wildflower series. Actually the 1st issue in that series. They were issued with ordinary gum perf 14 x 14½ (not shown), and as self adhesives, perf 11½ left hand stamp SG 2534 Scott 2397, and perf 13 right hand stamp, SG 2534e Scott 2401.
To complicate things for the collector the self adhesives were also issued in different booklet values with 10 stamps and 20 stamp respectively and as a sheetlet, and could be collected as a sequence of the 4 different flowers in the issue from rolls (coils is also used to described a roll) But I think just one of each above will be nice for a collection.
Enjoy your stamps. Have a great weekend
Michael cddstamps.com
and as I think you know if you do not have these - in this lovely condition :-) - please visit our online store here