cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Hello, I have not written about Australia stamps for a while so just a short piece on these two shown. One of the reasons for writing this, is because I was sorting and found a few stock cards with hundreds I had accumulated some years back and forgotten I had. Another reason, I was looking to see what sort of price sellers are asking for these and realized how many were not correctly identified by the sellers……….. and also how many list really bad quality copies – but that is another topic :-)

They are not expensive by catalogue value but nice to have to complete a collection, at least I think so.

They were issued as part of the 2005 Australian Wildflower series. Actually the 1st issue in that series. They were issued with ordinary gum perf 14 x 14½ (not shown), and as self adhesives, perf 11½ left hand stamp SG 2534 Scott 2397, and perf 13 right hand stamp, SG 2534e Scott 2401.

To complicate things for the collector the self adhesives were also issued in different booklet values with 10 stamps and 20 stamp respectively and as a sheetlet, and could be collected as a sequence of the 4 different flowers in the issue from rolls (coils is also used to described a roll) But I think just one of each above will be nice for a collection.

Enjoy your stamps. Have a great weekend


and as I think you know if you do not have these - in this lovely condition :-) - please visit our online store here

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Hello, very short piece and one stamp. I am so lucky to have such knowledgeable readers. One of whom has written to tell me that this stamp shows a LMS Coronation class locomotive at Euston Station. You know who you are and a very big thank you to you. So there you go, Euston station can be found on a GB stamp. I learnt something new today. Stamps are so educational :-) Michael

Friday, July 20, 2018

Hello, random thoughts, although to be honest there is little to link the stamp with the thought but it was the best I could come up with :-) once I had found this stamp. I hope this is interesting. Today 20th July in 1837 Euston Station opened. Mainline railway station in London UK. The stamp shows a Stephenson’s locomotive from 1825 and from the Stockton and Darlington railway. SG 984 from the 1975 Anniversary of Public Railways issue.

Euston station was for the London to Birmingham railway. So really no connection what so ever, except around the same time period, And, did you know, there has never been – please correct me if I am wrong here – a GB stamp with an image of Euston station. A new theme for Royal Mail perhaps? British Railway stations. Now I think I would like that.

So, a stamp close to fitting the 20th July opening of Euston, and an event close to fitting the stamp.

Anyway, I wonder what Euston Station looks like today? It was rebuilt in the 1960s. Certainly no open carriages. Look carefully at the carriages below

Enjoy your stamps and have a great weekend ..... Michael

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

We have been having plenty of rain these past few days so I got to spend some time looking at a few stamps. Actually, I needed to get some space back from the mess my stamp room is in. I cleaned out a few small boxes, all old glassines and some reasonably new ones and all sorts of surprises. Why do I hoard things I ask myself. Anyway I created some space again. Just a little. And also found some nice stamps I had forgotten where they were

I hope you enjoy seeing this block with the barbed wire variety SG 29a also with a SG 29 pair. Made the afternoon very enjoyable. Hope you day was just as good


Friday, July 13, 2018

Hello, It is Friday 13th. Considered lucky or unlucky depending on your point of view I guess. We had 13 new applications for the IPDA (Internet Philatelic Dealers Association ) this week, I found these stamps and realised one was missing from the set, then saw the values added to 13, 40+30+15=85 8+5 = 13. this has to be spooky right? So I bought 13 lottery tickets :-) And guess what stamp is missing from this set. Yes the Soccer stamp. How topical is that right now with the World Cup going on in Russia. Now will England lose 13 0 to Belgium. Surely not! Have a great weekend Enjoy your stamps Michael

Sunday, July 08, 2018

I don’t know about you, but for me, when I am studying stamps, the time passes so fast.

I found one SG SG Y1743 in a few Machins I was sorting and thought, I wonder which printer? I should have just put it in stock and left it there with the other few hundred shouldn’t I?

4 hours later I realise I am still looking at a selection under UV light and am still wondering if I have correctly identified each stamp. I show a sample. some are quite clear as I have a reference stamp and under UV I can see the equivalents. Others I am not so sure. Basically, some with a reddish colour under UV, some just very dark with no obvious phosphor band showing, and the De La Rue with bright bands showing. I know there are readers with far better knowledge then me, so all comments are welcomed.

I think I am basically down to cataloguing them as De La Rue and Enschede. Reading Deegam is itself a wonderful way to spend time but sometimes (ref DG 1000) I get more confused. :-)

Such an interesting stamp. Well you could say that for any Machin couldn’t you? I hope you enjoy your Machins as much as I do.


Saturday, July 07, 2018

announcing the new IPDA website at

Today is a new start for the Internet Philatelic Dealers Association (IPDA) with the release of our new website www.

We are extremely pleased to be able to promote the IPDA through this site.

You will find it easy to navigate and the contents a standard we are proud to present to you. Please read the “ABOUT US” and “SERVICES” drop down menu choices. We think you will find all there is to know about us and the services we offer. In time we expect to add more content and more services.

If you are not a member of the IPDA, you sell philatelic materials on the internet and share our views and values, please consider completing the Online Application.

If you are a collector and sometimes ask yourself, is this seller a respected and trusted seller?, then please visit our site.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of the Directors with questions, just visit the Committee page and click the email button to contact any of us.

Regards Michael Dodd IPDA General Secretary

Friday, July 06, 2018

Hello, welcome to the weekend. I hope you find the following interesting. I read a few interesting forum pasts recently about Perfins, the Australia “roos” and the Australia GV head issues. I have pulled the following together.
The complexities and varieties in these issues is quite astounding and could keep a specialist collector busy for years. Let alone the reading one would have to do to really understand these, and the number so catalogues one could buy to become knowledgeable enough to even beginning studying these. Perfins are PERForated INitials and “roos” is our Australia expression for the stamps issued between 1913 to 1929 showing the kangaroo on the outline of Australia. THE GV heads are those stamps issued from between 1913 to 1930 and show the classic Downey head image of George V.
I am showing three images to explain just a bit more. First the Perfin and showing it on a “roo” There are plenty of these around both as normal, that is without the perfin, and with the perfin, as 1,052,800,000 of this value were printed. Next is the GV Head. V This design was issued many times over the period from 1913 to 1930 and with various watermarks and by various printers and with various qualities of centering. This is really simplifying it. One last point to make. It was also issued in many different shades. This does make collecting these issues extremely challenging, and from my point of view very enjoyable. I hope you enjoy looking for the shades, and watermarks and varieties. oh yes. I must say a big thank you to Rod Tilyard from KoalaStamps for the colour chart. and images Enjoy your weekend and your philately Michael

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