cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, July 08, 2018

I don’t know about you, but for me, when I am studying stamps, the time passes so fast.

I found one SG SG Y1743 in a few Machins I was sorting and thought, I wonder which printer? I should have just put it in stock and left it there with the other few hundred shouldn’t I?

4 hours later I realise I am still looking at a selection under UV light and am still wondering if I have correctly identified each stamp. I show a sample. some are quite clear as I have a reference stamp and under UV I can see the equivalents. Others I am not so sure. Basically, some with a reddish colour under UV, some just very dark with no obvious phosphor band showing, and the De La Rue with bright bands showing. I know there are readers with far better knowledge then me, so all comments are welcomed.

I think I am basically down to cataloguing them as De La Rue and Enschede. Reading Deegam is itself a wonderful way to spend time but sometimes (ref DG 1000) I get more confused. :-)

Such an interesting stamp. Well you could say that for any Machin couldn’t you? I hope you enjoy your Machins as much as I do.



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