cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, July 06, 2018

Hello, welcome to the weekend. I hope you find the following interesting. I read a few interesting forum pasts recently about Perfins, the Australia “roos” and the Australia GV head issues. I have pulled the following together.
The complexities and varieties in these issues is quite astounding and could keep a specialist collector busy for years. Let alone the reading one would have to do to really understand these, and the number so catalogues one could buy to become knowledgeable enough to even beginning studying these. Perfins are PERForated INitials and “roos” is our Australia expression for the stamps issued between 1913 to 1929 showing the kangaroo on the outline of Australia. THE GV heads are those stamps issued from between 1913 to 1930 and show the classic Downey head image of George V.
I am showing three images to explain just a bit more. First the Perfin and showing it on a “roo” There are plenty of these around both as normal, that is without the perfin, and with the perfin, as 1,052,800,000 of this value were printed. Next is the GV Head. V This design was issued many times over the period from 1913 to 1930 and with various watermarks and by various printers and with various qualities of centering. This is really simplifying it. One last point to make. It was also issued in many different shades. This does make collecting these issues extremely challenging, and from my point of view very enjoyable. I hope you enjoy looking for the shades, and watermarks and varieties. oh yes. I must say a big thank you to Rod Tilyard from KoalaStamps for the colour chart. and images Enjoy your weekend and your philately Michael


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