cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, April 27, 2015

Hello, Yes been a while since I wrote. I miss doing philatelic stuff but it really is hard to find time for stamps.  Sorting a few tonight I found this that I got back from a parcel I sent to one of my family. Lovely, I hope you will agree especially as it is Very Fine Used, in fact hand franked by the great staff at Hong Post at Hong Kong international airport.  I doubt you will find many around in that condition.  It was issued by Hong Kong Post in March 2014 and has a lenticular effect to show the trajectory of Typhoon Vicente.

Having just spent nearly three days in 33 degrees of lovely sunshine and with no typhoons around me  it occurred to me to show it.

Back to stamps later this week when I finally get some time free from work and travel. No complaints but just sorry I not writing more for you all.

Hope life is good


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hello, finally made some time to catch up with emails and make the draw of the competition I mentioned last week.

 I do thank so many of you for entering the competition. Perhaps interesting research and reading for you.

 I decided to give two prizes..   

first prize is to Ant from Malta. Your prize of the coronation presentation pack  will be in the mornings mail

and a second prize a GB  presentation pack of the 1976 Bi-Centennial of American independence issue will be in the mail to Anand from India

Sorry some didn't win..    but I will do more competitions in coming weeks.

Enjoy your stamps and,  if you are looking to fill a few gaps in your collection please give me a try. I just finished loading more New Zealand to my bidStart Store,  am up to 1984 now ,   click here for all countries.


Friday, April 10, 2015

Hello and TGIF.  How good a feeling is it.  Friday night here and I havie been looking for cricket stamps from Australia so I could show one to accompany, in my small way, my respect for the great Richie Benaud. As you will no doubt have read he died peacefully in his sleep last night.  Every news channel everywhere has written about him and what a legend he was so I won't repeat details about him.

I don't think he has been honoured on an Australian stamp - I could be wrong - but surely  there can be few others in the sporting arena, expecially cricket, to deserve such an honour.

Thanks for the cricketing brilliance, the wonderful commentaries and yes, inspiration to many of us, over the years.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Hello, how was your Easter weekend? Good I hope.  Went so fast didn't it?  Mind you, I was busy sorting more New Zealand for the bidStart Store. Some 400 plus new listings.  No sooner were they listed and I had 100 plus sales. Hard to keep a good offer quiet for too long I guess.  Fill a few gaps in your collection at very  competitive prices. Don't take my word for it. Just have a look.

While opening some boxes I found I have quite a lot of GB Presentation packs. Not listed yet and I am told not really very likely to sell  as so many issued and, as you have heard me say many times, there is just so much old GB MUH around.

Anyway  this one as a prize. Pack 101, SG 1059 - 1062.   I have not done a competition for some time so thought this might be one way to see these go to a deserving home.

To enter, just send me an email,  with the correct answers to the following two questions: I will randomly pick a winner  this weekend from all emails received.

These are based on the stamps of course.
1) one of the stamps shows the St Edward's Crown,  yes the 10 ½p stamp, but, which monarch was this crown made for? Please name the monarch.
2) The State Coach is shown on the 9p stamp. In what year was this coach completed? State the year.

 easy as!!!

Enjoy your stamps and if you have gaps in your GB collection then please have a look at my bidStart Store listings. 


Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Hello, welcome to April. No April Fools lines from me, just this lovely FDC.  Issued to me  25 years ago. and in stunning condition.  It has SG1467, 1469, 1471, 1473 and 1474 on it. My 2014 Collect British stamps lists it at £7.00. It is in my Bidstart Store for way less than that I can assure you.

But, and this is a reason I am showing it, I read the 2015 issue of Stangley Gibbins Collect British Stamps is published, and the review I read said many prices had been revised. Upwards I can only presume.  No idea what has happened to this but I do think the stamps are very collectible and not that easily found for everyone.

Anyone got a copy of the 2015 catalgue yet?  and can you tell me if the catalogue value has changed. Maybe the individual stamps have if not the FDC.  email me at

I do not have time to revise listing prices, I have over 4000 GB stamps in the Store and I do not have the 2015 issue anyway so more bargains are there for the taking.

And why did think of all this, because I sold a cover today and this got me thinking, Someone smart picking up a good deal for their collection.

Enjoy your stamps and if you want to fill a few gaps in your collect please enjoy visiting  here. You will see I have even cleaned up the page to make it easier to find the country you are looking for. And, of course to find this cover just type 1990 in the Search For field and up it will come, with others from 1990.

Best wishes... Michael.

PS if you do not already receive my monthly - easy to read one page - Newsletter also drop me an email and I will send  the April edition to you.  You won't know what you are missing until you read it :-)

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