cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hello, I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Just a short post tonight as I thought you might enjoy seeing these stamps that I found sorting my stock today. Always nice to find something with good catalogue value and in lovely condition. The bottom one is SG 31 with 2013 GB catalogue of £65. The top one, also looks lovely and I do like the design. It is also SG 31 but sadly it is lightly creased when seen from the reverse but as I say still nice to see I think. Have a great weekend Michael

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hello, I picked up a few copies of the new Hong Kong Christmas stamps in the Miniature Sheet this past weekend. Hope you like these. I think they are rather attractive, certainly different. I have had no more emails of people sending me images of their country Christmas stamps, so perhaps I don't have many readers these days. Such is life. If you are a reader then this special just for you. I am promoting this no where else. Order US $10.00 of stamps from my Bidstart Store at My Bidstart Store/ I have over 11,000 lots to chose from to fill a gap or two or more in your collection and be one of the first 5 orders and I will use this Miniature sheet as postage. More postage than I need but you will like the cancelled MS as I will get it hand franked for you as well. enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes.. Michael

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hello,  how nice to receive this image above of some Christmas stamps from The Netherlands. I do hope you enjoy seeing these as much as I did.

Thanks to one of my regular readers who will be receiving my customer Christmas present very soon.

Been a long day, so time for some stamps to help me relax :-)

Best wishes.. Michael

Monday, November 10, 2014

Hello, welcome to another week. A week closer to Christmas.  what? some 40 days now I think. I bet you haven't bought yourself a Christmas present yet? Have you?  I have ..   and I even have a few more to buy myself.  Yes stamps, oh and a lovely fountain pen I saw yesterday.  It was hard but I resisted,  maybe next weekend.

Anyway, for your Christmas present you can find some excellent material in my Bidstart Store   click and type Edward in  the Search for field,  and don't forget, you are likely to get my Customer Christmas present as well, for free.  Last nights customer had his mailed today.

I finally made some time to load a few GB Edward VII. More to come in coming days. The above is SG 273, Deep Rose Red with a lovely cancel, I think you will agree.



Saturday, November 08, 2014

Hello, How is your weekend going?  Good I hope. Finally got my Hong Kong Christmas stamps. What do you think of this Miniature Sheet?

Anyone got a favourite Christmas stamp they have seen?  Write to me with image of the stamp(s) and For the first 12 emails -  12 days of Christmas  :-)  -  with images  I will send you my cddstamps customer Christmas present as a little Christmas gift from me to you. Please include your mailing address.

Only 46 days to Christmas :-)

Best wishes   Michael

Friday, November 07, 2014

TGIF. It feels so good doesn't it.  And how have I just spent 2 hours...... reading about and looking at stamps. Actually more Hong Kong and that is why I am showing this one.

I cannot find it in my catalogue. So time to ask the readers. What is it? SG number please? Value in whatever catalogue you might have.

Hope you like seeing it.

Have a great weekend.


Thursday, November 06, 2014

I am so depressed tonight. Golf was very good...... and very very bad. Shucks. My putting really let me down too many times. But home to stamps........... arrrrggghh that feels better :-)

This week I have been listing Hong Kong in the Bidstart Store and I really enjoyed seeing the stock I have.

Useful selection of QV from QV SG 1 through SG 53. If that doesn't tease you to have a look and see if you can fill a few gaps in your collection perhaps looking at the early QEII varieties I listed will.

If neither then just enjoy seeing these stamps above.

QV SG1 and  QE II SG 193a pair with top stamp variety, spot on character

I checked some prices against a well know auction site and while some of my prices are higher I think the quality is better.

Also don't forget my customer Christmas present for all orders of US $15. See previous posts for details or just visit the website.

Best wishes, tomorrow is Friday how good is that :-)


Monday, November 03, 2014

Hello, what a busy day. Where does the time go. I just finished packing todays orders from my Bidstart Store   

 I thought I had 11,000 lots for sales but am now, once again, somewhat under that. You do make me work hard  hahahahaha   I love it, as I hope you do the stamps you receive and the gaps you fill in your collection.

I am looking to get 3000 sales by year end. With the Customer Christmas present offer I have maybe I will make it.

Only 50 days until Christmas. :-)    hope you like this stamp above,  SG 122, cat at £14.00 and for sale at US $8.95 ( about 40% cat)  in the store  plus you get a customer Christmas present  

Best wishes.. Michael

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Hello,  how was your weekend?  Good I hope and with time for stamps.  I finished loading more of my Nyasaland stock to my Bidstart Store. It occurred to me perhaps I should look and see if other sellers have the same material listed.  Always good to know your competition.  Interestingly, to me at least, I found no other copies from a stock of just over 2000 Nyasaland stamps, of many that I am listing.

If you want to fill a gap in your collection of Nyasaland, or even others like Northern or Southern Rhodesia, or Rhodesia, then I think you will enjoy looking at my stock.  More Rhodesia in coming week I hope as I have more that I want to get listed for you.   Prices always competitive and stamp quality is always well described.

I really like these early issue from the Rhodeia period. Hope  you enjoy seeing this one above, SG 208. Oh and don't forget, orders of $15 excluding postage get my customer Christmas present.


Saturday, November 01, 2014

Hello, welcome to the blog and another weekend. It has been a busy day,  I wrote the IPDA ( Internet Philatelic Dealers Association)  Newsletter and got that published. For a free copy just email me at or read about us on our website at

For stamps,  I have loaded more to the Bidtstart Store many 1930 - 50's Nyasaland. Some good values there as well.  These add to the Northern Rhodesia I loaded over the past two days. I am nearly back to 11,000 items in stock - plenty of sales again in the early part of this past week took me way down below 11,000.

Perhaps it is the incentive of my free Customer Christmas present. Read previous blogs to see what it is and how you can get it

The above stamp is also one I loaded today. These higher value issues are hard to find postally used in such fine condition. SG 2155 with a catalogue of £2.50 (obviously I am offering it at nothing like that)  Just visit the Store here  and scroll down ( I will correct the page format problem one day) for the countries I stock. Not too many - a focused selection  for the British Commonwealth collector really.

Anyway, have a great weekend and I hope you have time to visit the Store, fill a few gaps in your collections and get a Christmas present from me as well.

Best wishes... Michael

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Click to zoom in on my visitor map!