cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hi, back again in Hong Kong and looking at some more stamps for relaxation.

Hope you like this. Not commonly found maybe?

Where will you find this and others to add to your collection? yes, that's right Here

Enjoy adding to your collection and filling some more difficult gaps perhaps. I just noticed I have over 4000 GB listed from the over 10,000 items I now have in stock. For all Commonwealth countries I have stock for please look here.

Best wishes... Michael

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hello, call me old fashioned but I really do like the stamps from the GVI period, and notably from Fiji. This above from the 1938+ issue. Stunning design, like all the others in the set. This one is SG 263ab, perf 13, from the 1955 issue. Cat value is £1.25 MUH. Now if you had a very nice used copy the cat would be £17.00. Like many GVI issues you must check the perforations. Many varieties and often a very big difference is value.

For this and many others, including many perforation varieties,  enjoy looking here over 400 Fiji to see.

Best wishes.. Michael

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hi, just wanted you to know the selection in my Bidstart Store has again improved, with me listing another 100 lots, of Fiji this time. Many MUH, MH and VFU from GV era. And, this brings up a rather nice milestone, in my view, of 10,000 lots available for you to hopefully find a stamp or two to fill some gaps in your collection.

If you collect Fiji please have a look here  or here to see the list of countries I have stock for.

The above is just one of my lots just listed. SG 136, Mint very light hinge, SG cat at £32.00  Many more from this and early issues are there for you to enjoy.

Have a great weekend.. Michael

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hello, just a short note tonight. Been busy cataloging and loading more stock to my Bidstart Store.

Just 48 more GB QE II items but a quick look at the 2014 catalogue prices showed me that 25% of these had price rises since I last listed. And, I have not changed the prices of all my other listings, and, even kept the prices the same, and,  that means on average my stock is listed at about 20%  of cat. Small sample I know but thought worth telling you because it reassures me I am offering quality and value together.  And, I have 20 of these 48 as new listings, in many cases replacing stock already sold.

Hope you have time to look and fill a gap or two or more in your collection.

Enjoy your stamps... Best wishes... Michael

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hello, a few stamps tonight because I can.   These above are the new Concession stamps from Australia Post. Next to the word Post is the word Concession. No value. They are for people in Australia who qualify for a Concession of some sort and are a reduce rate for postage in Australia. I think you can save 5c a stamp over normal postage. It will be interesting to see if this gets people to start sending letters again!!!! Thanks to my awesome mate Larry for getting these for me. I must remember to buy him a beer next next time I am there.

Below, a few of the new Australia Listings in my Bidstart Store. I have made time this past weekend to get my stock numbers back up and apart from lots of Southern Rhodesia  and some Rhodesia and Nyasaland I have listed more Australia. Most I did not have listed in the the Store before. One reason for that is that I now have my new 2014 catalogue so I now know the SG numbers.

Anyway I hope you enjoy looking and are able to fill a few gaps in your collection. Prices around 10% to 25%  of SG Catalogue I might and condition is really nice. Just click the links above or visit  cddstamps.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Hello, Hope this find everyone well and having fun with their stamps.  I finally got around to looking through some material and if you collect Southern Rhodesia or Rhodesia and Nyasaland you might be pleased I did. Because, I have now listed another 300 items in my Bidstart Store   just visit

Just type the SG number into the “Search For” field.   I have lots from SG 1 to SG 75 and a great selection, not just one to choose from but a few copies, including perf varieties,   plenty of MUH  - sometimes difficult to get  for stamps of this era, and plenty of VFU. Even a few spacefillers of high value material that is slightly damaged but still collectible to fill a gap in your collection.

Yes that’s my theme, fill a gap in your collection – you can buy just the one stamp you need.  More cost effective for you I think than buying a set or a kiloware bundle.

Anyway, prices are from 5% to 50% of SG 2013 catalogue so you may even get some better bargains if there have been price increases in the higher value material.

Hope you have time to look and enjoy seeing the material if nothing else. 

and,  the stamp above, where will you find this.. SG 55 and 55a with the shirt collar flaw..  yes, in my Bidstart Store   here   Hopefully you will be able to fill a gap or two in your collection.

Hope you have time to look and enjoy seeing the material if nothing else. 

Have a great philatelic weekend    Best wishes..   Michael

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Hello, tonight an image from an envelope I received today. Well done to the people  who sent it to me. I have already written to them telling them of their great service in addition to this stamp placement I might add. Note the position of the stamps on the envelope. Not right in the corner, where they would have got damaged, but sensibly place away from the top and the corner.

I always mail my letters with stamps well way from the corner so they arrive in nice collectible condition. And, as many of you know, I get my letters hand-franked if I use special stamps on the envelope.  of course you need to visit cddstamps and fill a gap in your collection. :-)

 use some common sense and think of your fellow collectors when putting stamps on envelopes.

Enjoy your stamps.  


Saturday, July 05, 2014

Hello, while in a Sydney a few weeks ago I managed to get a few of the new 100th Anniversary King George V issue, this FDC included.  Being GV I couldn't resist given my interest in Downey Heads and most things GV.  Interesting stamp design and use of colour and a wonderful job they have done with the cancellation.

Australia Post wrote; A century ago, Australia’s stamp designs were “hot” political topics. Labor PostmasterGeneral, Charles Frazer developed the Kangaroo and Map design, but a few months later, his successor, the Liberal’s Agar Wynne, made plans to scrap it in favour of stamps featuring the monarch, King George V.
Together with the King’s profile, the new stamp design also featured a kangaroo, emu, sprig of wattle and the crown. Following earlier advice received from the British government about the depiction of the king on stamps, the Australian stamp would feature the same royal profile as depicted on Great Britain’s stamps.
The George V stamp was a 1d denomination for basic letter postage within Australia and to British Empire countries. With a view to making the stamp look impressive it was decided to use intaglio with an initial print quantity of only 1.2 million, when the stamp was first issued on 9 December 1913. A further supply of 1.1 million 1d stamps was released in March 1914.
The first release of the 1d letterpress George V stamp occurred at the general post offices of Sydney and Melbourne on 17 July 1914. Production of the 1d Kangaroo and Map stamp now ceased. Agar Wynne had issued a King’s head stamp for 1d basic letter postage.
I am back in Sydney in a few weeks and if you are ordering stamps from my Bidstart Store and would like me to use these stamps when I mail your order please write to me and I will, until my supply of them runs out. If the postage is high enough I will even try to use one of the Miniature Sheets on the mailing to you.  Worth filling a few gaps in your collection surely just to get these.

Have a great weekend .... Michael

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