cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Raining in Sydney all day, but this lovely present from one  of my daughters made my day :-)

Hope you all had a great Christmas day and a philatelic present or two


Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas to all my readers and customers. I hope you have a safe, healthy and happy time over the coming few weeks. I am taking two weeks annual leave to enjoy time with my family and friends. Perhaps you will be doing similar.  I will be reading emails but am likely to be slow in mailing out orders. But please, don’t let that stop you from enjoying looking at my Bidstart Store and perhaps treating yourself to a few stamps to fill some gaps in your collection.
If you read my this blog you will know I have been sorting, cataloguing and loading more material to the Store. In fact I reached another milestone a week back as I now have over 8000 lots listed. This includes some very nice material from Jersey, Isle of Man, Canada and Great Britain.   click here to view my Store  or click here to view my web page with a list of the countries to view
I hope the additional material adds more choice for you. I think it does in two ways. The first is the number of different stamps that are now loaded, stamps that were not previously in my selection. The second is the number of copies of some stamps. I know many of you are interested in cancels and like to see a few examples of the same stamp and have the ability to chose one with a cancel you would prefer in your collection.
I also price according to quality, as you would of course expect. So you will see Very Fine Used (VFU) and Fine Used (FU), and occasionally Used. Often the Used stamps are qualified that way because of a heavier than desirable postal cancel. Sometimes these are often harder to find stamps and while I often throw away heavily cancelled stamps, if they are harder to find, or higher value ones I will add them to the Store.
 Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful festive season and 2014 is a great year for you
 Merry Christmas
PS I know the new website is a mess still. I do apologise for that. The developer really screwed it up for me and I am having so much trouble sorting it out. The links I gave above are ok though

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hello and Merry Christmas to all my readers. Hope you have a wonderful week off, if in fact you are getting the week off work, or if you are retired, hey all the better. Wish I was sometimes. :-)
Anyway I found this today. nice!!   Hope you like seeing it. It even has a very interesting information card inside. How I ever got this I have no idea. Nice for my collection :-) 
Merry Christmas from 1978 and from 2013... ye gods   where did those 35 years go :-)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Hi again, today I am showing, obviously :-) the Australia Christmas stamps in the Miniature Sheet. Lovely I think you may agree.

And FYI, no one yet won last night MS.

Hope you having a great weekend and after you finish doing your Christmas shopping for family and friends, why not stop by my Bidstart Store and treat yourself to a few stamps to fill one or two of those gaps in your collection.  Just type the SG number of the stamp you need into the search for field and away you go. Enjoy

oooooooooooppps just realised the MS was upside down :-)   jet lag obviously :-) and I am so tired for whatever reason

click on image to see larger view


Hello. Well I am back in Australia, Sydney in fact, and I was able to get this today. Hope you like it. As I said in a previous .postingl I would try and it will be a (late) Christmas present for someone.   I will take 13th email  ( it being 2013) with address please and I will mail this lovely MS to you.

Tomorrow I will show the Australia Christmas MS  and again will be giving that away as a Christmas present to one of my readers.

Merry Christmas..  Michael
and of course my Bidstart sales at .  where I have over 8000 items listed to help you fill those gaps in your collection.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hello, well another Christmas stamp tonight. Again from Canada because I like it. And, it was another I found while sorting through some stock over the past few days.   Issued in 1996, SG 1711, one of a set of three. Of course it reminds me how much I miss the snow. Not!!!!

And, it also reminds me to tell you that I now have over 8000 lots in my Bidstart store including this and the others from the issue.  I know I bore you telling you about my Bidstart store but how else am I to let you know, especially if you have some gaps in your collection that you want to fill.

This last post for a few days I think as have a few busy evenings ahead then flying back to Sydney for Christmas.

Will write from there and hopefully pick up the new Australia Christmas stamps while there. Maybe even the Christmas Island issue. Maybe even as a prize for Christmas :-)

Best wishes to all and thanks for reading my blog this past year.

Michael  and if you want to look at the Bidstart store offers just visit   and chose the country you are looking for.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hi, just finished sorting and cataloging and scanning 167 Canada stamps. Some really nice material.  Found this. SG 2700, one of the Christmas issue from 2010.  Catalogue SG £3.50.  This seems high. What surprised me while studying all the stamps was the generally high cat value of so many of the stamps issued over the past 10 years.

All will soon be in my Bidstart store. may take another day to load them but if you have gaps of the higher values, various flag issues, flower issues, coil issues or Christmas issues please have a look at in a day or two. I frequently have 2 or more copies to chose from and I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality.

Best wishes and Merry Christmas.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Received this lovely image from one of my readers.  Hope you like it

Have a great weekend.. Michael

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hello,  just thought you might like to see this tonight.  Did you get any nice postal cancels I wonder. I sent two letters to myself and fortunately one had this clear cancel.


Best wishes.. Michael

Oh,  and if you collect New Zealand I just loaded another nice 50 lots to my Bidstart store.   just click here if you want to have a look.  I expect to have some more up later tomorrow as am scanning now.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hi, well thanks for the Christmas stamps.. ( see previous blog posting)   This one from Italy, Many thanks... you know who you are. Hope you like the GB I am mailing.

Now for a whinge and maybe a lesson to remember. I bought a stamp from a UK dealer. All recieved, no problem with it. But they used this on the letter mailed to me. Now is that inconsiderate, rude or just spiteful.  They are off my Christmas list and certainly I wont be buying from him again.

Remember when sending letters always use nice stamps and please don't place them tightly in the corner either.  and if you are thinking of giving the dealer the benefit of the doubt, no this was not damaged in the mail.

Enjoy your stamps.. and help others enjoy them too

Michael    where quality is important :-)

Monday, December 09, 2013

Hello, another Christmas stamp from the Isle of Man. One I found over the weekend, and one I have now listed in my Bidstart store.  Lovely postal cancel I think you will agree.   visit and click Isle of Man.   If you have a few gaps in your collection now is the time to treat yourself to a Christmas present. And every order before Friday 13th December will receive 100 free world wide mix. Hopefully you will receive your order in time for Christmas.

Do you have a favourite Christmas stamp?   Send me a scan over next few days, with your mailing address and if I use it on the blog I will send you a 50 GB stamps for free.

Merry Christmas.   16 days and counting :-)



Saturday, December 07, 2013

Interlude between Christmas stamps because I found these today and thought I'd ask if anyone can advise

I have a few copies found in recent sortings and am not sure of them.

The Left had stamp   has 2 phosphor bands, the right hand has 1 centre band (well it looks very much like that to me) different shares of deep blue as you might be able to see.  The 1 center band has very white reverse, the 2 band is creamy white.

Also,  How do you tell difference between self adhesive and ordinary gum?  Any advice would be most appreciated.
And yes I have Deegams.. somewhere J

Thanks. Michael

Hi, with Christmas a few weeks away I guess we are all very busy, office parties, dinners, shopping etc and little time for stamps.  I thought it would be nice to show a few Christmas stamps that I like. This one from a set of 4 from the Isle of Man back in 1995.

If you are short for an idea of what to buy yourself for Christmas please have a look at my Bidstart Store.  Fill a gap in your collection.  I've done just that looking at some auction site material. Well we have treat ourselves don't we :-)

have a look at  hopefully the country you collect is there.
Best wishes.. Michael

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Someone might like this as a Christmas Present. Nothing special perhaps, but quite collectible if you collect Christmas stamps as a thematic. Click image for full larger view.

Just be first email to me at with your mailing address and I will mail in time for Christmas.
The stamps is SG 1072 and VFU and the cover has small corner creases which I guess is not surprising given it was mailed 35 years ago.

If you collect GB please have a look at where I have just loaded another 400 lots, 300 new listings, so surely, something there to help you fill a few gaps in your collection. Stamps all well described and at very competitive prices.

Enjoy...  Michael

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Click to zoom in on my visitor map!