cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hello, Yes I am back. Been travelling these past two weeks. Hong Kong - Seoul - London, back to Hong Kong and now in Sydney again.   Very busy few weeks and no time to write. Good to be back if only for the warmer climate - UK / London was very cold but luckily I had a warm coat and scarf. Thank you :-)

Stamps have never been far from my mid although I had a no time to do anything on the philatelic scene. And on my return to Sydney I found a lovely letter from a penpal friend from China and this lovely cover.  Hope you enjoy seeing it.

I understand it was issued by the Shanghai Post office to celebrate the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC)  It is one of three covers issued I believe.

More tomorrow, when I am over the jet lag :-)


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hello everyone.  In response to last nights writing I received this information. Just goes to show how good it is we can all learn from each other if we share our knowledge.

That lovely sheet is firstly celebrating 2 Royal silver weddings (25 years), King George & Queen Elizabeth's in 1948, and Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip's in 1972; and secondly, the Stampex twentieth anniversary (1973).

Now I feel good.  Thanks to Jill from Melbourne Australia.

Tonight, and in keeping with Royal themes I thought you might like to see this lovely MS. It is Fiji MUH 1985 - SG MS 705 with a Catalogue value of £3.50.  And, shameless plug, I apologise, but cannot resist, because how else will you know if I don't tell you :-)   it is in my Bidstart Store
  lot number  click here

Enjoy your stamps and the wonderful knowledge they can can bring to you.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hi again.  well you may have seen last nights blog - I hope you did :-)    and in response a very knowledgeable Ian Norvic who runs Norvic Philatelics and writes a brilliant blog at  Norvic Blog  sent in a response..

Stamping to order was carried out by His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office, not the Post Office.   

Thanks for the additional information Ian. 

So this got me thinking about a comment I received on a stamp group thread....  the writer said to me he never reads blogs.    well how dumb is that..  by reading we learn, and blogs - well good ones :-)  provide a medium for learning.   Surely.......???    I learn from Ian's blogs nearly daily,   assume you read him especially if you collect GB and I learn from Larry's blog as I have a special interest in Machin security issues - see”>Security Machins
   if you don't know what I am talking about.

As for stamps tonight.  One more souvenir sheet. Very nice.  Not real stamps; just facsimiles on this sheet. In brilliant condition given it was issued in ??   maybe 1972.. I do not have a catalogue of these; and 1948 to 1972 is not 20 years (according to my calculator) and this is 20th Anniversary souvenir sheet. :-)

I am sure someone will know. :-)   anyway I hope you enjoy just seeing it  ...

 Best wishes.. Michael      

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hello. A few days ago I showed an image of a a stamp label ( similar to the one above - another I found in some old stock albums I somehow accumulated)   Thanks to Larry Rosenblum  for the following :

Continuing a practice started in Victorian times, until October 31, 1973 the British Post Office would impress stamps on private stationery and self-adhesive labels. The indicia (markings on a mail piece showing that postage has been paid by the sender)  were those used on official postal stationery. The same impressions were used for this stamp show sheet. It was sold for 30p and 120,000 were issued. My copy of British Stamp Exhibitions from a few years ago values it at £2.50, and I suspect it is not much different today. 

and, if you are not reading his Blog I highly recommend it .. at   brilliant blog.. it is in my list of favourites of course ..Machin Mania.

Enjoy your stamps...  Michael

Monday, March 11, 2013

Hello,      I will be travelling overseas in a few days, spending time in Hong Kong and UK.  Hopefully will visit a few stamp stores.  For sure in Hong Kong.  The reason I am telling you this is, if you buy from my Bidstart store during next three days I will mail your order before I leave. If after three days then there will be a few weeks delay in my sending your order.

Motivation to buy??? well quality and a chance to fill some gaps in your collection at very  good prices. AND, you can get the Butterflies block from Angola (above) if you are the first order I receive, or  the Hong Kong 100 years of Powered Flight MS if you are not the first order.... for free. No other conditions. :-)

You can find me at seller ID michaelatcddstamps at or just click this link   easy as :-)   but take some time as I now have 2300+ lots listed...   with an .... excellent selection of GB, Australia, Canada, older USA, Rhodesia, Fiji, PNG, Norfolk Island, and so much more

I hope you enjoy looking and that you  keep me really busy before my flights. As some of you will know I do my very best to get current Australia commemorative stamps hand franked on the letters I send to you so you get collectible stamps from me on my letters

I may write while overseas. If not.....  best wishes and enjoy your stamps.


Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Hello,   I have been sorting old albums and came across this souvenir sheet. I have no idea what is could be worth, but I did see  it says at the bottom it has postal validity.

It is in perfect condition.  Anyone know anything about this??

Michael   -    michaelatcddstamps seller iD on  where I now have 2300 items listed

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