cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hello. A few days ago I showed an image of a a stamp label ( similar to the one above - another I found in some old stock albums I somehow accumulated)   Thanks to Larry Rosenblum  for the following :

Continuing a practice started in Victorian times, until October 31, 1973 the British Post Office would impress stamps on private stationery and self-adhesive labels. The indicia (markings on a mail piece showing that postage has been paid by the sender)  were those used on official postal stationery. The same impressions were used for this stamp show sheet. It was sold for 30p and 120,000 were issued. My copy of British Stamp Exhibitions from a few years ago values it at £2.50, and I suspect it is not much different today. 

and, if you are not reading his Blog I highly recommend it .. at   brilliant blog.. it is in my list of favourites of course ..Machin Mania.

Enjoy your stamps...  Michael


At 4:56 AM, Blogger Ian - Norvic said...

Stamping to order was carried out by His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office, not the Post Office.


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