cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hello, what do you think of this? I get into one of those moods when I see this sort of stamp listed and described as below that I just have to show you. "GB-1873 two and a half pence blue-SG. 142 -Cat. £40.00 Fine used" FINE USED!!!!!!!!! well yes the postal franking is nice but with crease and short perf and staining it is more like space filler if you risk having something like this in your album.... I say that because as I understand, and have read many times, put something like that in your album and possibly you will have that staining creep to other stamps if the temperature and air conditions are right...or should I say wrong. And the seller has a very good sales record, so please, moral of story, just because seller has 100% record, study the stamp to be sold and make your own assessment. I am tempted to write and ask for a scan of the reverse of the stamp. What do you think? Oh and the seller does not advertise they ae a member of the IDPA - Internet Philatelic Dealers Association - and I would hope they are not with this sort of item for sale. Thoughts?? Michael

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hi, new Australia issue today to commemorate the achievements of Australian Nobel Prize winners (or Nobel Laureates). The Laureates are represented by portraits by some of Australia's most respected artists. Design based on a recent issue from Royal Mail I wonder :-) Lawrence Bragg (1890-1971) was jointly awarded the prize in physics in 1915 for his ‘services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays'. Howard Florey (1898-1968) was awarded the prize in physiology or medicine in 1945 ‘for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases'. Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet (1899-1985) was awarded the prize in physiology or medicine in 1960 ‘for discovery of acquired immunological tolerance'. Sir John Carew Eccles (1903-1997) was awarded the prize in physiology or medicine in 1963 ‘for discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membrane'. Patrick White (1912-1990) was awarded the prize in literature in 1973 ‘for an epic and psychological narrative art which has introduced a new continent into literature'. For more information visit

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hello, lets go back 140 years.. I found this with a few other covers while tidying my study.. never knew I had it.... not exactly stunning colour but it is not too bad for 140 years old I suspect. Interesting reverse franking as well and notice the stamps is upside down on the envelope. Anyone know what it might be worth.. it is SG 103, Plate 8, with letters C C which is always in interesting pairing .... I do not have my recent catalogue with me right now. Best wishes.. Michael and please don't forget to look at my eBay listings for some used high value and miniature sheets -- you can find me, as you must know by now, at michaelatcdddstamps

Friday, August 24, 2012

Hello again, well after my last rant about Australia Post I am pleased to say I did get some of my parcels returned with stamps undamaged and so I have listed on eBay for those of you who collect Hong Kong used high values or Miniature sheets. Please have a look, my eBay id is michaelatcddstamps. some stamps you won't normally find I expect. The above is one example. and below an imperf on MS have a great weekend.. Michael

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hi, back in Sydney.. GOM again. Why.. I received some parcels I mailed to myself from Hong Kong. (great to deal with are Hong Kong Post, as I have no doubt mentioned many times I am sure. But Australia Post. Oh how deliberate is this defacing of the Miniature sheet I used. I wish ill on the person that did this. Immature of me? Sure is I know, but hey, he or she knew exactly what they were doing, and yes there was plenty of room on the box for their bloody stickers. Oh and this wasn't the only one. So AusPost, up yours. I am not a fan - except for the wonderful people at the Philatelic Bureau franking service in Fern Tree Gully. At least they know how to provide good service. Michael

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hello, Have you been watching the Royal mail stamp issues for the Olympics. Pretty impressive performance both from Great Britain, 28 Golds Medals so far and Royal Mail for issuing the stamps so fast. The stamp issues may well be a drain on many pockets - I think the total cost so far of one booklet for each medal winner will total about £100. Not small change I would think. I have none of them but a single copy of each would make a nice collection I think. Maybe I'll look to see who is offering, or going to offer, such a collection. I did read collectgbstamps and found a very nice display of medal winner stamps. Nicely presented. The above is a one of the booklets, of Ed McKeever who won gold in the men's 200m kayak to win Britain's 26th gold of the Olympics. At the time of writing, Great Britain, with 28 Gold Medals, is third in the Gold Medal table. Well done Team GB Have a great weekend.... Michael

Friday, August 03, 2012

Ok, so the Olympics is on and GB have a few Gold medals and one so far for Australia, none for Hong Kong or Canada, yes I have split allegiances :-) - go on tell me Hong Kong don't have a team :-) they do I believe. So this cover from Australia. A gift to the first correct answer.. what sports (main event categories) are Hong Kong competing in. Might surprise you :-) Just send answer to me at with your mailing address so I can mail the cover to you Best wishes.. Michael

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Hello, yes it is over a month since I posted. sorry about that. Hope you are still checking occasionally. Yes I am alive but rather busy as always and travelling a lot, even moved back to Sydney from Hong Kong last week, although having said that am back in HK in 2 weeks, then off to Japan. Still you don't want to here all that boring stuff do you. This franking is really nice and I send my thanks to Glenn from Gem's World Postcards You must visit his great blog, especially if you are a postcard collector. Apart from being a great guy he is very interesting and writes some good material. He sent me a few cards and I have never properly thanked him. Overseas and travelling too much is my only excuse and that is not good enough is it. Although having mentioned the travel subject, if you are interested in flown A380 covers, as on inaugural flights please look at cddstamps website for my Malaysia Airlines covers, Kuala Lumpur to London. Stunning, genuine and limited in number and of course carried by me Anyway thanks Glen for sending me the cards and stamps and postal frankings. All very collectible Best wishes to all readers..... Michael

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