Hello, yes it is over a month since I posted. sorry about that. Hope you are still checking occasionally. Yes I am alive but rather busy as always and travelling a lot, even moved back to Sydney from Hong Kong last week, although having said that am back in HK in 2 weeks, then off to Japan. Still you don't want to here all that boring stuff do you.
This franking is really nice and I send my thanks to Glenn from
Gem's World Postcards You must visit his great blog, especially if you are a postcard collector. Apart from being a great guy he is very interesting and writes some good material.
He sent me a few cards and I have never properly thanked him. Overseas and travelling too much is my only excuse and that is not good enough is it. Although having mentioned the travel subject, if you are interested in flown A380 covers, as on inaugural flights please look at
cddstamps website for my Malaysia Airlines covers, Kuala Lumpur to London. Stunning, genuine and limited in number and of course carried by me
Anyway thanks Glen for sending me the cards and stamps and postal frankings. All very collectible
Best wishes to all readers..... Michael