cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hello, lets go back 140 years.. I found this with a few other covers while tidying my study.. never knew I had it.... not exactly stunning colour but it is not too bad for 140 years old I suspect. Interesting reverse franking as well and notice the stamps is upside down on the envelope. Anyone know what it might be worth.. it is SG 103, Plate 8, with letters C C which is always in interesting pairing .... I do not have my recent catalogue with me right now. Best wishes.. Michael and please don't forget to look at my eBay listings for some used high value and miniature sheets -- you can find me, as you must know by now, at michaelatcdddstamps


At 1:45 AM, Blogger Comic Dayz said...

Hi Michael, This is a beauty! It's the patina that gives old covers their charm. Great! Btw, I just started my own blog. Maybe you'd like to take a look, let me know what you think.


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