cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hello, yes it has been a few weeks since I last wrote. where does the time go. If you missed me you can always check out my aviation on stamps blog as I do try to write there most nights. I was sorting through an old album a friend gave me recently and found a few nice looking stamps. I have no catalogue but anyway I doubt they have any useful value. Just thought you would like to see his, and over next few days, I hope, I'll show a few more. If you can tell me anything about these of course I would be most pleased to hear from you. Best wishes.. Michael

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hello, just thought I would give Delcampe Auctions a try out so have listed a 34 GB Commemorative lots (year 2000 onwards). All starting at GBP 0.65 and that is with free post and packing., including this stamp Have a look please.. I am listed under the usual name... michaelatcddstamps Have a great weekend Michael

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hello All, If you missed Sebastien Delcampe discussing Delcampe Auctions last Sunday,you may want to join Darren Bock this Sunday (22 April) having a question and answer session about Wensy Auctions on the Internet Philatelic Dealers Association Inc. chat room. It will begin at 2 PM US Eastern time. The URL for the chat room is: or visit the IPDA Web site and click IPDA Chat Page, then the "Chat Now" button. The chat room is moderated. Hope to see you there. Michael (IPDA Director and Publicity Officer)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hello, something tonight that proves yet again why Royal Mail is both useless and in need of the security definitives.

I am not a great fan of collecting mint current GB. Anyone can do that but to get some nicely used is more difficult. As this proves. Mailed to myself from England. And not franked through the mail. I will rectify that of course :-)


best wishes .. Michael

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hello, just something a bit different tonight because I read this in the news. Used but not used stamp in the picture. Panic buying GB Stamps

Think of all those "collectors" with mint stamps they purchased. Time to start using them maybe :-) Or will we see an rise in the number of people reusing stamps. Even the security issues are reused. I know it is illegal but I have received mail where the stamp used was closely cut and glued back onto another letter. Of course if you live in Hong kong you really don't think of that as the postage is very affordable by comparison to many countries, UK in particular.

Enjoy and don't panic buy. :-)


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello, just a couple more of these beautifully designed stamps I found when sorting some old France stamps. Hope you enjoy seeing these.


Monday, April 09, 2012

Hello, Something different tonight. Sorting through lots of world mix today I found a nice selection of stamps from France. These are just three I thought I would show you. Why, well because I really liked them, and the others I found. What stunning designs, artwork, engraving probably. It had me thinking, you don't see this quality in a stamp design anymore, generally, do you.

I have no catalogue with me to refer to so I cannot tell you anything about the stamps. I just enjoy seeing them. Hope you do.


Sunday, April 08, 2012

Hello, sorry, been away and little time to write although I have done some more stamp sorting. Lots of nice quality used Machin security copies and more stamps in my childrens' corner collection.

I have been looking at Machin security issues on eBay and you can buy the odd one, plus postage and pay a fair price when everything is added up. Look at what you get from me CDDSTAMPS SECURITY MACHIN COLLECTION this from my entry to the Great Britain Philatelic but I will send you a collection of 27 used stamps 2009 - 2011, nicely cut on paper for US $25.00, all identified and including postage and packing plus I will include a few extra of the Large Format 1st and 2nd class stamps, identified of course . Now that is a lovely collection to get you started.

Also, for children collecting I am sending 100 or thereabouts free stamps to children and new collectors, I pay postage. Please be honest. I have been sorting lots of stamps I received from an old friend. Completely random pick from a large box. Just send me an email to subject "free stamps" with your mailing address. This offer is special and only applies to first 10 emails but don't let that hold you back

An Easter treat I hope......... Best wishes ... Michael

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